Page 48 - Winter2020
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The media’s constant focus on new “cases” is  mind, not only to help mitigate symptoms of potential Covid-19—al-
         also creating fear and panic in the population at  though there are many other remedies that may be indicated, so Arsenicum
         large about becoming infected and dying. People  is not a cure-all by any means—but also to mitigate the consequences
         are increasingly suspicious of one another as  of government and media actions on people around the world. It may
         they avoid eye contact and cover their faces with  also be a good remedy for those who are terrified to go out for fear of
         masks in stores and on public transit. Social me-  “catching the virus.”
         dia are rife with hatred against those questioning   That being said, don’t take Arsenicum album regularly without
         the use of masks, accusing them of being killers  professional support. A few weeks ago, one of my clients contacted me
         in disguise. Finally, the proposed “cure” for the  regarding concerns about her young son, who had become obsessed with
         virus—a novel vaccine that is meant to alter us  washing his hands and keeping his room ultra-tidy. I was pondering the
         genetically—also reeks of Arsenicum.      use of Arsenicum when she exclaimed: “Oh, we’ve been taking this for a
            Then there is the question of whether the  while!” It turned out that she had been administering Arsenicum album
         virus may have been deliberately manipulated   in 30C potency to the whole family biweekly for two or three months
         and released, in essence designed as a poison.   after reading about it as potentially useful for Covid-19. Her son was
         Not only that, but designed as a poison with   sensitive to the remedy and developed a “proving” of it, meaning that he
         both acute and chronic consequences and   developed the symptoms the remedy is meant to help. When I explained
         which, additionally, may enrich those pulling   the problem, she stopped giving him the remedy. Her son is now back
         the strings. As mentioned, for the homicidal   to behaving like a normal boy, with a messier room and dirtier hands!
         poisoner, arsenic offers both the choice of rapid
         poisoning, which mimics gastrointestinal and   CONSEQUENCES
         respiratory diseases, or the slow and steady   In the end, poisoners may be held accountable. Tofania, the woman
         method of chronic poisoning, which leads to   who sold the arsenicous “Aqua Tofana” in the 17th century, was finally
         death via organ failure and cancer.       caught and executed at the age of seventy. After her death, apparently
            I believe both of these can be applied to the   far fewer husbands died in Europe.
         current Covid-19 situation, with acute conse-  Today, the scales of justice will still balance in the end, and those
         quences being the actual disease but also fear   pulling the strings of the Covid-19 situation may very well face the con-
         of the disease. Chronic consequences probably   sequences of their actions one day. With more people taking Arsenicum
         include an increase in cardiovascular disease,   around the world than ever before, this might very well be sooner rather
         cancers and dementia from all the masking   than later, as the energetic influence of the remedy may help to heal
         and inhibition of free breathing as well as the   this particular imbalance on all levels in ways that nobody could have
         fear-mongering and the constant contact with   expected. This is the mystery and magic of homeopathy.
         harmful disinfectants.
            Miserliness and greediness can also be   Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH, is a classically trained homeopath living
         characteristics of the Arsenicum state. Isn’t   and working on Vancouver Island in Canada. You can learn more about
                                                   her work at
         it interesting that the pandemic has made a
         handful of billionaires even richer while plung-  REFERENCES
         ing most of humanity into deeper degrees of   1.   Gibson D. Studies of Homeopathic Remedies. Beaconsfield Publishers; 1987.
         poverty? Arsenicum is well known for its dual   2.   Retrieved Nov. 16, 2020 from
         association with a fear of robbers and with rob-  3.   Whorton JG. The Arsenic Century. Oxford University Press; 2011.
         bers themselves. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,   4.   Uthus EO, Davis C. Dietary arsenic affects dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant
                                                      crypt formation and hepatic global DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferase
         George Soros and Jeff Bezos all spend millions   activity in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2005;103(2):133-145.
         of dollars a year on their security teams.  5.   Nielsen FH. How should dietary guidance be given for mineral elements with
                                                      beneficial actions or suspected of being essential? J Nutr. 1996;126(9 Suppl):
         POLARITY IN HOMEOPATHY                    6.   2377S-2385S.
                                                      Parascandola J. The arsenic eaters of Styria. Retrieved November 16, 2020 from
            The fascinating thing about homeopathy
         is that all remedies display a polarity of ele-  7.   Ratnaike RN. Acute and chronic arsenic toxicity.  Postgrad Med J.
         ments—positive and negative, light and dark,   2003;79(933):391-396.
         or, one could say, victim and aggressor. They   8.   Retrieved Nov. 15, 2020 from
         are flip sides of the same coin. Like cures like.   9.   Retrieved  Nov.  15,  2020  from
            Thus, we should keep Arsenicum album in   coronavirus/#countries.
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