Page 52 - Winter2020
P. 52

science deems the material as safe for human  What if someone was paying you to perform science where the only ac-
         consumption in small amounts, after producing  ceptable conclusion was to call that same material “safe”? Would that
         acceptable test results in laboratory rodents.   influence your judgment?
            There are some important differences in
         the real world versus the laboratory. First of  JUDGMENT CALLS
         all, rodents and humans are different species,   Fortunately, in the case of BPA, there are some options for those of
         related but different. All humans are similar but  us who feel that the science is undecided. We can make conscious choices
         also different, both in our genetics and the other  to minimize the usage of BPA, particularly for domestic food storage or
         materials we interact with on a daily basis. No   any container that you may put through regular thermal cycling (such as
         two people have the same experiences, except   the dishwasher). There is a readily available alternative to BPA and other
         in science fiction, so the other materials that we   hardened polycarbonates: It’s called glass. Unlike the larger discussion
         are mixing in the chemistry experiment of our   on the use of plastic versus glass that we explored in last issue’s article on
         bodies are going to differ in minute ways as well.   plastics, the substitution of BPA for glass in baby bottles and Tupperware
         No two of us are ingesting the same amount of   is unlikely to materially alter the global greenhouse gas balance, but it
         micro-BPA particles and other things which may   could have an important effect on your health.
         or may not interact with BPA.                 One tactic that the BPA-producing industry has developed is to cre-
            We know that BPA affects our endocrine   ate similar but slightly different compounds, namely BPF and BPS. This
         systems—which we know through our own ex-  allows the industry to label a storage or packaging material as “BPA Free”
         perience of life to be delicate, requiring constant   without having to alter the business model materially. Without having
         balancing and more sensitive early in our lives   looked at those alternatives in depth, I can say confidently and without
         than later. So we know that the science deems   further study that the science around BPA is likely to be similar for BPF
         BPA safe, but we also know that we are likely   and BPS.
         ingesting some amount and that it affects our            The key thing is to know whether your plastic pack-
         very sensitive hormone regulation and balanc-         aging is a polycarbonate that may contain BPA, BPF or
         ing system.                                           BPS. In this case this is something that we can know with
                                                               certainty. Look for the triangle symbol on any food or food-
            As a hypothetical thought exercise, con-           containing packaging that you purchase. If the package has
         sider the following. What if high exposure to         this symbol, seek an alternative or think about how you use
         BPA affects only one in two hundred of us or   that specific product and whether or not you want to risk the potential of
         0.5 percent in a negative way after prolonged   BPA entering your or your child’s body and accumulating silently. If a
         exposure, and the consequence of this exposure   given risk is unknown but easily avoidable, isn’t the most sensible course
         is a hormonal imbalance with knock-on effects   of action to avoid the unknown risk in its entirety?
         that come with too much or too little of one or
         multiple hormones in our biological system?   James Kirkpatrick is a mechanical engineer and energy analyst serving
         Would you determine that this material is safe   as president of JKF Associates.
         or unsafe? It’s a personal judgment call, right?

                                                     AVOIDING BPA

           BPA makes plastic harder and tougher without losing transparency, so plastic bottles and food storage containers are
           the main sources. Use glass instead of plastic for food storage and avoid beverages sold in plastic bottles; minimize the
           use of foods in plastic-lined cans. Flexible plastic wrap does not contain BPA.

           Cold temperatures reduce the migration of chemicals, so storage of soups, broth, etc. in the freezer is probably OK.
           Let these foods cool completely before transferring them to plastic containers.

           Babies are likely to be particularly sensitive to the hormone-mimicking effects of BPA. Use glass bottles and a stainless
           steel sippy cup. Do not give babies baby food packaged in plastic.

           Most cash register receipts are thermal paper containing BPA! It’s unlikely that the chemical will transfer through your
           skin, but it could aerosolize if the receipt is crushed or folded. . . so handle receipts with care!

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