Page 53 - Winter2020
P. 53
Wise Traditions Podcast Interviews
HILDA LABRADA GORE: We are all asking HG: So, why aren’t we celebrating in the streets?
many questions right now. So many things don’t Why aren’t we mask-free and engaging in com-
seem to be adding up, and there is a lot of cogni- munity activities? Why isn’t this good news
tive dissonance between what we’re being told getting out?
and what we’re experiencing. Sayer Ji is here
to help us cut through the clutter. Sayer is the SJ: That’s a great question. My wife Kelly [Bro-
founder of GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest gan] and I are actually doing that very thing.
open-access natural health database, and the We were part of an event to celebrate the reality
author of Regenerate. that there is no threat as initially projected by
Let’s start with some of the simple incon- the fear-mongering, priest-like scientists and
sistencies. The overall Covid-19 mortality rate the media the world over. The threat didn’t ma-
is much lower than originally predicted, and yet terialize. The bodies did not appear. In fact, we
rigorous orders and all kinds of mandates are now know that there’s almost a criminal level
still in place. Can you help make sense of that? of collusion that occurred, because in America
the estimates are sixty million people lost their
SAYER JI: What’s happening is that there jobs—and that doesn’t even take into account
is profound cognitive dissonance, and it’s the socioeconomic and psycho-biological ad-
because of the health policies that have been verse effects of isolation, for example. We’re
implemented through the initial modeling pro- dealing with devastation that is orders of mag- Hilda Labrada Gore
jections of what we were told Covid-19 would nitude higher from the response to Covid than is the producer and
do to the world. According to Neil Ferguson’s from the “Covid virus.” host of our Wise
estimates from the Imperial College of London, Traditions podcast
and a Washington,
the expectation was that 2.2 million Americans HG: It’s like that saying, “The cure is worse DC, co-chapter
would die if the country wasn’t immediately than the disease.” leader. An
locked down, ostensibly to “flatten the curve.” enthusiastic
We were told, “Just two weeks, we have to do SJ: Yes, exactly, and that’s such a poetic de- communicator,
this to save lives.” So on March 15, the White scription of the geopolitical aspects of what has Hilda is passionate
House pivoted one hundred eighty degrees to unfolded. Think about what allopathy really rep- about wellness on
honor Ferguson’s prediction. Of course, we’ve resents, and its origins in the Rockefeller model every level, which
all found out that, in fact, the case fatality rate of symptom suppression that basically proposed is why she is known
as “holistic Hilda.”
is orders of magnitude lower than these projec- that we need petroleum derivatives (turned into She is a speaker,
tions. When I say that, I am not just coming up patented medications) in order not to die, when podcast consultant
with these criticisms out of nowhere. Dr. Fauci, in fact, it’s chemicals that are the primary reason and the co-author
a member of the White House coronavirus task why we get sick. What we’re experiencing now of Podcasting Made
force, published an editorial in the New England has been centuries in the making; everything Simple. Hilda lives in
Journal of Medicine that stated very clearly that had already been inverted. The geopolitical Washington, DC,
the risk of being killed from Covid was about the dimension of this way of thinking is that current with her husband,
same as the risk from severe seasonal influenza, events are an unfortunate natural consequence children, dog and cat.
Subscribe to her blog
which he said was 0.1 percent. Initially, the of programming that has been underway for a through her website
estimates coming out of China reported in the very long time. (
Lancet were as high as 25 percent case fatality. and follow her
So, going down from 25 percent to 0.1 percent HG: I heard you mention collusion. Can you say on Instagram:
is two-hundred-fifty-fold lower. more about what you were alluding to? @holistichilda.
WINTER 2020 Wise Traditions 51