Page 57 - Winter2020
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from the mainstream narrative getting their   adverse effects of vaccines. Only one percent   We have half
            information pulled from social media platforms   or fewer of vaccine injuries are ever reported,   the country
            and YouTube, and we’re told it’s “misinforma-  and even fewer receive compensation through
            tion.” That seems to point to propaganda and   the National Vaccine Injury Compensation  that won’t
            an agenda.                                Program established in 1986.             even think
                                                                                               about getting
            SJ: It’s very disturbing. Unfortunately, there   HG: Let’s turn now toward what you were say-
            are well-trodden steps to genocide, and Step   ing about how we have given away some of our  a Covid-19
            Four is dehumanization and identifying minor-  agency. How can we take it back?    vaccine
            ity groups as “vermin” or “disease carriers.”                                      because they
            Already before Covid, I had been looking at   SJ: Great question. Kelly and I have come to
            how those who decide that they don’t want to   a point in our lives where we realize that the  understand
            participate in the increasingly heavy vaccine   most powerful form of activism is actually   that it’s a
            schedule are identified as dangerous to the   just being healthy and choosing to show up for   really
            vaccinated. A lot of us were already getting  ourselves and others in our community with
            censored. I got kicked off of MailChimp (which   all of our principles intact. We have not worn  dangerous
            is part of a CDC Foundation partnership group)   a mask throughout this entire experience. We   thing to do.
            for “anti-vaccine” content and had experienced   have found a way to stand up for what we know
            other censorship and deplatforming attempts.   is right and to communicate to others that we
            There has been an elaborate attempt to shut  will not submit. We believe it is essential that we
            down people’s voices on these issues. Tens   continue to exercise our right to breathe freely
            of thousands of families who know they have   and not, for example, have someone penetrate
            vaccine-injured children are being gaslit or   us with a vaccine—because the masks are a
            portrayed as dangerous and crazy.         placeholder for that. It is important that people
                                                      realize that the only reason why anything has
            It is a huge concern when you can’t even speak   happened that has had an adverse effect is be-
            about what a published, peer-reviewed journal   cause of our complicity and consent. That’s a
            article says, if it happens to be critical of the   very adult way of looking at this. If we look at
            dominant narrative around Covid, or vaccine   it through any other lens, we’re victims and that
            safety, or lack of evidence to support effective-  is only going to feed more of the powerlessness.
            ness. The most important thing is that we all
            continue to stand up and speak the truth. One   We created and we’re facilitating a movement
            thing the planners or architects of this agenda   called the “Thank You Body Rally,” with over
            did not really anticipate was the power of the   one hundred ambassadors throughout the world.
            Internet. They were not able to push this through   All seven continents stepped up to celebrate
            as cleanly as they wanted, and a huge number of   our stories around healing. Kelly, for example,
            people have woken up. We have half the country   healed herself of Hashimoto’s. That was the
            that won’t even think about getting a Covid-19   beginning of her beautiful journey to where she
            vaccine because they understand that it’s a re-  is today. And I healed myself of asthma. Those
            ally dangerous thing to do. It’s not going to be   stories are powerful because they run up against
            proven “safe” or “effective.” They are going to   the multi-trillion-dollar medical-military-
            push it through and test it on the public, which   industrial establishment. Our stories also run up
            is what they’ve been doing to our children all   against the narrative that our bodies are broken
            along. But it’s all being unraveled, and people   or damaged and that our genes—or germs—are
            are seeing this for what it is. Not everyone—but   the cause of our ailments. Meanwhile, they
            I think the majority are starting to realize that   deny things that are clearly causing harm—like
            this is not about protecting us.          the hundred thousand petrochemicals we’re
                                                      exposed to daily, the non-native EMFs or the
            It is also important to remember that there is   psychogenic fear that they’re pushing into our
            almost no post-marketing surveillance of the   bodies—these are the real causes of disease.

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