Page 56 - Winter2020
P. 56

The war has        do I know that? Consider that when the World  coin and bandy about as the new terror. This

         transmogrified       Health Organization (WHO) gave guidance  narrative requires that we believe in the most
                              to its member nations, the WHO removed the  absurd, pseudo-scientific, non-validated view
         from the post-       requirement to test for virus in order to code  of viruses that has ever been conceived.
            9/11 war on       someone’s death as a death from Covid-19. The
                 terror to    emergency-use ICD codes launched on March  HG: What would you say to the person who
                              20 basically stripped the requirement to prove  looks around the world and says, “Everybody
           Covid-1984,  anything; the only thing they said you had to do  is on the same page because they just want to
          only this time      was have a suspicion that someone had Covid,  keep us safe and healthy”? I’m talking about
             it is global,    and you could write down that they died from  the person who thinks you are reading way too
                              Covid. That is a fact. What that means is that  much into all of this.
         and the threat  there is absolutely no evidence that in any way
          is the human        justifies the present “body count” that they’re  SJ: For the person who believes the government
          body and the        saying has now reached a million people. They  is out to help them, I wish them luck. If you
                                                                       review world history, you find that governments
                              never even attempted to prove that a viral par-
             demonized  ticle caused any of those individuals to die. They  have been responsible for the most deaths. I
                     virus.   removed the requirement.                 think the latest figure is that two hundred sixty-
                                                                       six million people have died because of govern-
                              HG: I want to go back to your earlier point  ments’ “good intentions.” While on some level
                              about collusion, because events such as Event  I would love to believe that we are not facing as
                              201, carried out before the outbreak, seem to  dark and as global a problem as I see, I think it’s
                              mirror quite uncannily what we’re experienc-  time for us to wake up, individualize, become
                              ing right now.                           adults and realize that the reason why this is
                                                                       all happening is we had already outsourced our
                              SJ: It wasn’t just uncanny. At Event 201 (held  power to these systems. I studied this for fifteen
                              in October 2019 in New York City), those par-  years before Covid-19 happened. I was already
                              ticipating in the exercise boldly and even gro-  focused on issues like the globalization of the
                              tesquely announced what was about to descend  vaccine agenda and its merger with pharma
                              upon the planet, except that it wasn’t a viral  and the military. This is the new way that one
                              particle with this supposed Grim-Reaper-level  invades foreign soils. You say, “Oh, there’s an
                              lethality—it was a psychological operation and  Ebola outbreak. We’re not going to observe
                              a form of psychological warfare. Event 201 was  your boundaries or sovereignty as a nation-state
                              funded and orchestrated by the Gates Foun-  because—guess what—pandemics don’t respect
                              dation, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health  boundaries.” That is their narrative and the strat-
                              Security and the World Economic Forum. And  egy for laying waste to countries that believed
                              when you look at who benefits from this, it’s  they had autonomy. I’ve also been observing this
                              fairly clear that in addition to the pharmaceuti-  through the World Trade Organization, for ex-
                              cal (and especially vaccine) industries, powerful  ample. I was the vice-chairman of the National
                              individuals stand to benefit from the increased  Health Federation, which has a seat at the Codex
                              control that will be “the new normal.” Their  Alimentarius. I’ve been watching the effort to
                              vision, promoted as ensuring our survival and  force countries into one global system for a long
                              “safety,” is a dystopian, technocratic, gulag-like  time. And in fact, this is the perfect way to do
                              digital prison.                          it—it’s genius. I understand that some don’t see
                                                                       it that way—because it takes a lot of time and
                              This is the new “war on terrorism.” The war has  energy to connect the dots—but I can’t censor
                              transmogrified from the post-9/11 war on terror  what I know to be true.
                              to Covid-1984, only this time it is global, and
                              the threat is the human body and the demonized  HG: The word censorship is very pertinent right
                              virus—not just this coronavirus but also every  now. We’re seeing frontline doctors and others
                              other imaginable particle that they decide to  who have something to say that is different
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