Page 55 - Winter2020
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as risking their life and the lives of their fam- CDC had decided before the mask politics came Just as we
ily. They’ve clouded human relationships with in; then, they revised their original guidance on
a survival-level fear that is irrational. Interest- mask wearing. It’s not about science any more, have learned
ingly, research clearly shows that the amygdala it’s about obedience and submission signaling. that the
is activated when you suppress normal gas ex- For many, this is not virtue signaling or fear of a microbiome
change through mask wearing—so you’re ac- virus—this is submitting because you’re afraid
tually inducing a fear and anxiety response by of what the government might do. In addition, is essential,
wearing the mask! There are many other layers there are those who actually are afraid of a vi- we also now
to this devastating psychological operation, but rus; that contingent needs to be educated about know that
divisiveness is certainly number one on the list. the issues with germ theory, especially when it
comes to viral contagion. without
HG: Yes! Looking around the other day, I viruses, we
thought, “Seeing masks on people’s faces, I feel HG: It’s hard to talk about the mask issue with- wouldn’t
like I’m seeing a bunch of hostages or victims out emotions getting raised and people getting
of something.” In the past, people who wore angry. There’s a sense in which you’re thought exist.
masks were being taken captive or were being of as a sociopath if you don’t wear one (because
limited in some way. They weren’t allowed to obviously “you don’t care about other people”).
yell, and that’s why they had their mouths cov- So let’s talk facts for a minute. What is the size
ered. It suddenly struck me, it’s like looking at of a virus, and is it likely that a scarf or any
walking hostages. covering can keep it out?
SJ: Exactly. This is an unprecedented moment. SJ: Any high-gravitas conventional definition of
People need to remember that there’s a differ- viruses will acknowledge that viruses are not
ence between quarantining the sick and forcing living. In fact, their very architecture—the par-
healthy individuals—upon whom the entire ticle within which their so-called nucleic acids
fabric and health of the country relies—to wear live—is often taken from the host; so they’re not
masks, treat themselves as though they’re sick even really “other” and they have no inner mo-
and then give up all their self-reliance and their tive force. The concept that something that you
livelihood. That’s the definition of what some need a subatomic-level electron microscope to
folks would call tyranny. These measures are even see can just leap from body to body across
being imposed against our will under the aus- the planet and tackle a human being like a lion
pices of saving the lives of a relatively small on the Serengeti tackles an antelope—which is
number of mostly elderly individuals who what people think viruses do—is absolutely ob-
happen to have pre-existing conditions. The scene. The reality is that viruses are just pieces
healthy people who should be cocooning those of genetic information that travel horizontally to
who are most vulnerable by supporting them make information exchange possible in real time
and showing them love are being told that they so that we can survive and adapt on a moment-
themselves have to act as though they’re sick or to-moment basis. Viruses are not evil and have
a deadly threat to others. This is really the first never been proved to be evil. Just as we have
time in my life that I have seen what I would learned that the microbiome is essential, we also
call a sorcery-level effect in my waking reality. now know that without viruses, we wouldn’t
This isn’t some dream. exist. We would die in a heartbeat if we didn’t
have viruses in our body.
Some people are calling masks “face diapers,”
which is not so far off the mark because they When you go down the rabbit hole, there’s no
actually accumulate fecal matter. The masks are evidence to show that Koch’s postulates were
doing absolutely nothing but producing what are fulfilled with Covid-19—not even the first
called fomites, which are carriers of biological postulate. They never even isolated the coro-
debris that is itself a risk for transmission. This navirus effectively, so there is no way to prove
is what the World Health Organization and the that this narrative has any basis in reality. How
WINTER 2020 Wise Traditions 53