Page 13 - Summer2015
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

          be interesting to see whether the new vaccine will be a more  munity. But the vaccine itself does kill, or results in learning
          dangerous live virus version. Whooping cough can indeed be a  disabilities that can last a lifetime.
          serious illness, with intense coughing lingering for weeks; but
          the side effects of the vaccine, such as brain damage, can last a  VACCINES AND MUMPS
          lifetime. Some researchers believe that this vaccine can cause  Merck & Co, the world’s largest vaccine maker, is facing
          deranged sugar metabolism, hyperinsulinemia and obesity  federal fraud charges in the case of United States v. Merck &
          (  Co. According to two former employees, now whistleblowers,
                                                               the company engaged in fraud and concealment, falsified test
          VACCINES AND HEPATITIS B                             data and claimed the mumps vaccine in development was ef-
          Hepatitis B is a disease that afflicts drug users and sexually  fective when it was not. If the court upholds the complaints,
          promiscuous adults. Only about 1 percent of pregnant women  Merck could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars,
          test positive for hepatitis B. Nevertheless, unless parents re-  possibly even billions, in damages. For more than thirty years,
          quest an opt-out, the HepB vaccine is given to all U.S. babies  Merck has enjoyed an exclusive license granted by the FDA
          on day one after birth. Premature babies get the vaccine within  to manufacture and sell its measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
          twenty-four hours of birth, even though the package inserts  vaccine to the public. To retain its licensing rights, Merck
          clearly state that there are risks to premature babies—in fact  was required to prove that its updated vaccine was at least
          no safety studies have been carried out on premature babies  95 percent effective, and the whistleblowers claim that Merck
          at all—and even though transmission from an infected mother  knew it was only 67.6 percent effective.
          to her baby is rare. Health data show about ten thousand
          cases per year of hepatitis B, mostly from intravenous drug  HPV VACCINE: DANGEROUS, COSTLY, USELESS
          use, heterosexual contact with infected persons or multiple  A three-dose vaccine aimed at young women, claimed to
          partners, and homosexual activity, so there is really no money  protect them against human papilloma virus (HPV), called
          in giving the vaccine to the vulnerable population. Then how  Gardasil, has the pharmaceutical industry abuzz about the
          were the drug companies to recoup their investment in the  potential for a greatly expanded market—vaccines, multiple
          vaccine's development? Why, give the three doses to all U.S.  vaccines, for adults to prevent cancer. Promoted with slick
          babies, starting at day one! Hepatitis B is not even a killer  advertising campaigns, Gardasil sales have accounted for
          disease—most sufferers recover and then have life-long im-  greatly increased revenues for Merck & Co., its manufac-

                                                 THE GREATEST LIE CAMPAIGN

               In order to educate the public quickly as to the risks of vaccines, the Vaccine Liberation Army has developed “The Great-
           est Lie Ever Told” stickers and decals. You can join the hundreds of concerned citizens who are distributing these stickers
           and decals—even students in high schools are plastering the insides of toilet stalls and other places with this emotionally
                                             wrenching sticker.
                                               Large decals are available for cars. It only takes one vehicle per town to wake up
                                             your entire community. Your car parked at school, in town, at the doctor’s office,
                                             at a shopping center will create such doubt in the onlooker that they will begin to
                                             question the establishment’s position on vaccine safety. Mobile advertising is one
                                             of the most effective advertising tools in the industry. Remember on the WHO/
                                             CDC USDeptHHS horizon is a draft for compulsory adult vaccinations.
                                               Join their mobile fleet and Facebook group, “The Greatest Lie Campaign.” For
                                             stickers and decals go to: For
                                             a five-minute PowerPoint presentation of the issue put “Humanity666” in the vac-
                                    search engine.
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           13

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