Page 16 - Summer2015
P. 16
Caustic Commentary
and establish and maintain an accessible and efficient forum adverse drug reaction (ADR) information, in the ten years
for individuals found to be injured by certain vaccines.” to April this year the Medicines and Healthcare Products
The biggest impediment to the vaccine producers was huge Regulatory Agency received almost twenty-two thousand
lawsuits for vaccine injuries; the VICP gave the pharmaceuti- “spontaneous suspected” adverse drug reaction (ADR) re-
cal companies immunity from prosecution for injuries, and ports in thirteen routine immunization categories including
paved the way for the rapid growth of the vaccine industry. flu, MMR, tetanus, diphtheria and polio. The vaccine with
Compensation comes from a seventy-five cent tax on each the most ADR reports was the human papillomavirus (HPV)
vaccine given. Since January of 2014, twice as many victims (Gardasil®, Cervarix®, and recently licensed Gardasil 9®)
have won compensation than the previous eight years com- with over eight thousand ADRs. Next in line is the annual
bined. In these cases, the vaccine court ruled the evidence influenza virus vaccine with three thousand ADRs. The
showed vaccines “more likely than not” caused the plaintiff’s MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) with sixteen hundred
injuries. Also on the rise is the number of vaccine injury cases ADRs is third highest. In 2013 via freedom-of-information
the government has “conceded”: up 55 percent in a little over documents, thirty years of secret official documents show
one year. However in March the federal government removed that the U.K. government vaccine/medical experts have 1)
the latest vaccine injury court statistics—more than a year’s known the vaccines don’t work; 2) known they cause the
worth of data—from one of its publicly reported charts. It was diseases they are supposed to prevent; 3) known they are
an abrupt departure from the normal practice of updating the a hazard to children; 4) colluded to lie to the public; and 5)
figures monthly. Wiping the latest data means the “adjudica- worked to prevent safety studies! (“/
tion” chart on a government website no longer reflects the uks-independent-newspaper-blows-lid-off.html). The HPV
recent sharp rise in court victories for plaintiffs who claimed vaccine is the subject of lawsuits or government investigation
that they or their children were seriously injured or killed by in several countries, including Japan, India, Spain and France.
one or more vaccines. For example, the number of flu vaccine
cases conceded by the government since January of 2014 is FRAUDULENT CONTROLS One of the charges in the cur-
more than double the previous eight years combined. The rent lawsuit in Spain against Merck is that the company failed
adjudication chart only reflects half of the current number. to use an inert placebo during clinical trials. What this means
Only about one injury case for every million doses of vaccines is that in clinical trials designed to test the safety and efficacy
is compensated in vaccine court. Adverse events occur more of the HPV vaccine, the FDA allowed the manufacturer to
frequently, according to vaccine warning labels, but rarely compare women who received "placebo" injections contain-
end up in the little-known vaccine court. ing aluminum. These aluminum-containing injections are not
true placebos, which should be harmless substances, such as
DEBILITATING ILLNESSES saline solution. This tactic improves safety data by making
While the American press remains silent, the media in the the vaccine appear to have the same results as the placebo. In
U.K. are doing what journalism is supposed to do—expos- addition, Merck “forgot” to study the vaccine for reproductive
ing the deaths and injuries from vaccinations, especially the
HPV vaccine, said to protect teenage girls against cervical FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
cancer caused by the HPV virus. First to publish was The Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
Independent, with the headline: “Thousands of teenage girls Foundation is to provide important information about diet
enduring debilitating illnesses after routine school cancer and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this rea-
vaccination.” Similar stories followed in The Daily Mail and son, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily
The Telegraph. The message: the Gardasil vaccine causes dra- technical. It is very important for us to describe the science
matic life-altering damage and does so more frequently than that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In
articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a
“evidence-based medicine” or “consensus science” admits or summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
that MDs, the medical profession, public health agencies and cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by
pro-vaccine acolytes acknowledge. According to the U.K.'s others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.
16 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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