Page 11 - Summer2015
P. 11
of this project, we are translating key ous ingredients like mercury, and I will their children.
WAPF materials into Italian and plan read the package inserts in the future. Those rights must be respected in
to teach workshops on proper food The derision of “anti-vaxxers” order to meet any definition of the word
preparation techniques. We would be shows incredible insensitivity on the free. To be able to control our bodies at
grateful for any contributions from our part of those hurling the insults. Many the most basic level of deciding what
fellow WAPFers to support our project. such parents have already experienced is injected into them is truly the most
Sara Russell and Marco Prina an adverse reaction to shots and have fundamental of liberties. Whatever
Albany/El Cerrito, California good reason to resist further harm. We a person's stance on vaccination, we
Chapter Leaders are a nation where a baby who falls in should all fear a government that is
a well creates a national uproar and empowered to inject us with anything
CALLOUS DISREGARD garners our collective kindness until without our consent.
I am alarmed by the callous disre- the child is rescued and safe. Yet, in the Depending on who is doing the
gard shown by some in the media and case of vaccines, we are saddling some polling, somewhere between 70 and 84
the general public toward parents who families with unbelievable sorrows for percent of Americans are against com-
choose to opt out of vaccines. A few the “greater good” and then insulting pulsory vaccination. That is the truth
years ago, on behalf of the Weston A. anyone smart enough not to submit of the matter—that the vast majority of
Price Foundation, I attended a Canary blindly. our citizens believe that medical deci-
Party conference and met numerous Kimberly Hartke, Publicist sions should be made by people acting
parents of vaccine-injured children. It The Weston A. Price Foundation in conjunction with their medical care
was a very eye-opening experience. Reston, Virginia provider, not some politician sitting
Compelling evidence was presented in his office with the money from big
at the conference of the link between HERD IMMUNITY LIE Pharma lining the coffers of his reelec-
vaccine injury and the onset of autism by Thank you so very much for bring- tion campaign.
Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted. These ing serious attention to the issue of It is we, the citizens, who will live
two researchers, one with an autistic vaccine safety and choice. Despite the with the consequences and under the
child, have also discovered the role that fact that over 95 percent of children in constraints of these short-sighted laws
pesticides are playing in the ill health of America are vaccinated, the mainstream and side effects of unwanted medical
our nation’s children (see ageofautism. media (sponsored by Big Pharma) con- procedures forced on ourselves and our
com). tinue to barrage people with the lie that children. Please keep up your efforts to
My husband and I have no children. our herd immunity is at risk and that all bring light to the truth of this issue.
Yet, meeting these parents who saw non-medical vaccine exemptions should Megan Montgomery
their children literally descend into au- be removed from every square inch of Silver Spring, Maryland
tism after receiving their shots, put me our country.
firmly in the camp of the vaccine-wary. I think that course of action is a
I support wholeheartedly any parent's terrifying mistake, because the truth
or adult's decision to shun vaccines and is that vaccine injury is real, medical
seek other ways to build immunity. exemptions are extremely hard or im-
Some may choose to slow down the possible to obtain, and many people do
vaccine schedule or be more selective have bona fide and sincerely held reli-
among vaccine choices. We must respect gious beliefs that prohibit the injection
the patient's wishes. of toxins, bovine and porcine cells and
I have since learned that even some the fragmented DNA remains of aborted
adult vaccines have toxins and danger- human fetal tissue into themselves and
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 11
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