Page 6 - Summer2015
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         the intended removal of personal exemp-  people aware of the dangers of GMOs  Organic Center revealed “GE [geneti-
         tions from the vaccination requirements  than the dangers of vaccines. At a re-  cally engineered] crops have increased
         for attending public schools.      cent march against GMOs, I talked to  overall pesticide use by 318.4 million
             A main reason for our being in-  participants who were pro-vaccine and  pounds over the first thirteen years of
         volved is the experience of our grand-  completely unaware that many vaccines  commercial use” (livinghistoryfarm.
         daughter who lives in California. She  are actually genetically modified. (Since  org/farminginthe70s/pests_08.html). In
         experienced a severe adverse reaction  1991, the Hep B shot, given within  the same way, vaccines were introduced
         to an MMR vaccination earlier this  twenty-four hours of birth, is genetically  under the guise of reducing the need
         year. This adverse reaction has been  modified—the Hep B virus is combined  for medical care because the recipients
         documented and reported to the CDC  with yeast).                       wouldn’t get the diseases the shots al-
         by our granddaughter’s pediatrician.     Scientists at the University of Ge-  leged to prevent. As the years go by, we
             We also followed the April 15th  neva (1971) discovered that biological  have more and more chronic childhood
         hearing of the California Senate Educa-  substances entering directly into the  illness and adult autoimmune disorders
         tion Committee on SB277 via livestream  blood stream can become a part of us  requiring more and more treatment.
         and were gratified that several of the  and even a part of our genetic material.     This is a critical time; our right to
         hundreds of persons speaking up against  “The Geneva scientists are convinced  control what is and isn’t injected into
         the proposed bill mentioned their as-  that normal animal and plant cells also  our bodies is at great risk. To maintain
         sociation with the Weston A. Price  shed DNA and that this DNA is also  that right, we must enlist support from
         Foundation.                        taken up by other cells in the organism.  everyone. I see how passionate the anti-
                               Hans Diessel  If they are right, the consequences to  GMO activists are at marches and other
                    Davidson, North Carolina  virtually every aspect of a cell’s me-  gatherings. It is my hope that once they
                                            tabolism would be considerable. The  see that they, too, have been genetically
         VACCINES AND GMOs                  growth and development, diseases, and  modified through vaccination, we can
             I’m struggling to see how vaccines  even the evolution of an organism would  all join together to take on this very
         are that different from food that’s altered  be affected” (  dangerous myth of vaccine safety.
         through genetic modification. The intent  doctors-speak/vaccines-and-genetic-  Lisa A. Middlecamp-Lowder, PhD
         may be different, but the final result is  mutation/).                  Chapter Leader, Muskegon, Michigan
         similar. If a GMO is the result of genes     Verschaeve, L., and others (Envi-
         from the DNA of one species artificially  ronmental Research, “Genetic Dam-  VACCINATIONS AND IMMUNITY
         forced into the genes of an unrelated  age Induced by Occupationally Low     I live in New Jersey and while all
         plant or animal, how far is this from the  Mercury Exposure,” 12:306) found a  my children have been vaccinated, I do
         process of vaccination in humans?  “significant correlation between the  not want to continue. My son would like
             Vaccines contain the DNA of patho-  amount of mercury in the body and  to do an EMT course this summer and
         genic viruses grown on cell cultures of  the number of DNA aberrations.” This  he would need to get a flu shot in order
         humans, chickens, monkeys and cows.  also supports the idea in my mind that  to take the class. If the state gets rid of
         This DNA and foreign cells are injected  vaccines cause humans to be GMOs as  the religious exemption, I will not allow
         directly into the blood stream of the  genes are being modified by at least one  him to take this course.
         vaccine recipient, bypassing any innate  of the preservatives used in vaccines.     I did not know anything about the
         protection the body has. Logic tells me  The process is a bit different, but the  anti-vaccine side of the argument be-
         that is very similar to how GMOs are  end result is unnatural changes to the  cause I was getting all my information
         created. And just as in GMO food, the  genome.                         from the New York Times, WNYC and
         blood has never before been exposed to     When GMO crops were introduced,  NPR, until it became very clear that
         this DNA in the natural environment.  we were told they would reduce the need  those media outlets were not giving me
             From what I’ve seen there are more  for pesticides. In 2009, however, the  all the information. I finally found Dr.
         6                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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