Page 4 - Summer2015
P. 4


         foods tainted with glyphosate is hard to  them discussing how they were going to  give her son the tetanus shot “because
         do.                                get all the hundreds of other employees  he’s a boy.” Seriously. The doctor went
             I have been able to avoid flu shots  to get their shot. So it sounds like non-  on to explain that because he was a boy
         for more than ten years now, but I did  compliance is rather a big problem, even  he could be crawling on the living room
         have to fend off my child’s pediatrician  in a hospital setting! Maybe that’s why I  carpet and come upon a rusty nail, end
         when he brought up the Gardasil shot  keep hearing pro-vaccination stories in  up with a puncture wound and contract
         the last time we were in. He started  the news so often these days.    tetanus. Mind you, this family lives in
         talking about it while he was looking     I’m curious about how the biome  the suburbs, not in the outback or on a
         at the chart, then paused and looked at  influences the immune system. It seems  farm. The doctor reminded her that she
         me. I was trying to keep a poker face,  like it is a sort of mediator between  had studied about tetanus and vaccines
         but I guess my antagonism showed in  pathogens and allergens and the immune  in medical school and knew far more
         my face. I didn’t say anything, but he  response. Now that we are seeing more  than Barbara Loe Fisher. My client had
         quickly dropped the subject.       and more articles and books about how  not a clue who Ms. Fisher was. Up until
             I agree with your recent press re-  important our microbiome is, and how  then, this mother knew no one who
         lease that people who are injected with  the good bacteria are threatened from  didn’t vaccinate their children except
         vaccinations actually end up as carriers  so many directions, I would love to see  one friend, and she was only beginning
         of those pathogens, but their system just  a definitive article from WAPF about it.  to educate herself. The mother agreed
         doesn’t mount a defense. Vaccinated  You guys are so good at making compli-  to allow the doctor to give her son the
         people don’t present the symptoms of  cated issues understandable!     tetanus-only vaccine.
         fighting an infection, so we are told that                Laura Davis     Later that evening the mother no-
         they’re “immune” to the pathogen. And             Stillwater, Oklahoma  ticed that her son was no longer saying
         isn’t that the same result doctors are                                 “mama” or “dada.” Nor was he cooing.
         seeking when they give allergy shots?  VACCINATED                      He woke a few hours after going to bed
         They just want your system not to react  WITHOUT PERMISSION            with a fever, a high-pitched scream,
         to the presence of the allergens, right?      I received a call from a very dis-  horrific eczema outbreak and flapping
             I’m beginning to wonder whether  tressed young mother about three weeks  hands. The following morning the pe-
         the “package” (combination of patho-  ago. She took her seven-month-old son  diatrician’s office confirmed that the cul-
         gens, preservatives, culturing medium,  in to see the pediatrician for a lingering  ture relating to his cough was negative.
         and other adjuvants) they use for vac-  cough. As soon as the doctor saw that  When the mother explained that he had
         cinations doesn’t just kill off the “first  the baby was “overdue” for his second  screamed all night and had fever along
         responders” of the immune system, and  DTaP, she began pressuring the mother  with flapping and eczema covering his
         then the body labels everything that was  to allow the vaccine to be given right  back, she was told by the nurse that this
         in that package as a threatening intruder,  away. Mind you, the child had a cough.  had nothing to do with his shot, and by
         and that’s why the allergic response is  The mother explained that her son had  the way “he was given the full DTaP,
         triggered later.                   experienced severe eczema right after  not the tetanus only,” and that he was
             I’ve never been a rabid anti-vaxxer,  receiving the DTaP at four months of age  “just reacting due to his cold.” I am not
         but it really does seem like these vac-  and so she had decided to delay the sec-  making this up. It’s hard to believe that
         cinations are getting out of hand. My  ond booster until she better understood  the doctor would blatantly go against the
         poor sister is at risk in her job. They  why he reacted. She also explained that  mother’s very clearly expressed wishes
         practically dragged her in bodily for a  she had an appointment six days later to  but this really happened.
         flu shot a few years ago, even though  see an allergist to discuss her concerns.     A couple of days later the baby
         she had filed the proper paperwork for     This didn’t stop the pediatrician  experienced two seizures and was taken
         an exemption. While she was being  from hassling the mother. She finally  to Children’s Hospital where they stayed
         “violated” (her words), she did hear  told her she really needed at least to  for two days. Never would the hospital
         4                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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