Page 5 - Summer2015
P. 5


          physicians admit his reactions were due  the NRA published story after story  as sleep disturbances and major trouble
          to the DTaP. Their only response was  after story about how concealed carriers  with digestion. Nothing provided relief;
          that he was having an allergic reaction  or armed homeowners foiled would-be  the GAPS diet helped a little bit initially
          to something, but they didn’t have an al-  ruffians. I think that you should do the  but then there was a relapse.
          lergist on staff to determine what he was  same thing with all the children who     What set things straight in the end
          allergic to. The baby sharing the room  have died or have been maimed by vac-  was homeopathy. It took a little while
          with them had had the same reactions  cines—and all the parents who have  and we are still working on it four years
          just after receiving his second DTaP.  been plunged into unfathomable grief  later, but we are finally on the right
          At one point the child’s hospital room  because of vaccine injury. Every single  track. It took a lot of resources, studying
          was filled with sixteen hospital person-  day, people should see one suspicious  and soul searching to get to this point,
          nel, all equipped with clipboards but no  SIDS death after another, one autism  and it is a shame that every day a new
          answers. Both parents felt the staff were  case after another, one hopelessly  group of innocent, naive people are
          attempting to intimidate them.     grieving parent after another—who  thrown into the same situation.
              One member of the hospital staff  have been recklessly victimized by the              Name Withheld
          privately told the mother that he sees at  medical establishment. This is not really
          least two children a day with the same  an argument here. You can argue about  LASTING IMMUNITY
          type of reactions, and the hospital doc-  measles until the cows come home, but     While the measles may have lasting
          tors always have the same response.  the opposition are simply not responsive  side effects, the people who contract the
          She was told by the staff member, “This  to logic. They are all about calling you  measles will probably have lasting im-
          place is worthless. Nothing is ever done  a denier. They are all about putting up  munity. Those who choose to vaccinate
          — no cause ever admitted.” Finally they  billboards that say: “Vaccines Save  may or may not have lasting immunity,
          left the hospital, refusing to sign papers,  Lives—Get the Facts.” So it should be.  but may risk having neurological side
          and headed home to care for their son.   I think you should deluge them with fact  effects or even death. Has this question
              He is receiving remedies and  after fact after fact.               been researched? I believe people should
          supplemental support, so fortunately is            Dr. Paul K. Hubbard  be able to choose to vaccinate or not. I
          slowly improving. His speech is begin-              Poquoson, Virginia  choose not.
          ning to return and hopefully he will                    Former WAPF        When I was a child, everyone got
          recover fully. The parents have firmly   Virginia Peninsula Chapter Leader  the measles. We missed school for three
          resolved that they will not willingly                                  or ten days as a function of the type of
          give any more vaccines to their three  VACCINATION AND                 measles. No one had adverse effects. To
          children. Let’s just hope that they can  TOOTH DECAY                   have adverse effects was the exception.
          maintain the hugely important right to     Our vaccination story is interest-  To contract measles was a rite of pas-
          decide what is best for their own. We  ing in the WAPF context as one of the  sage.
          must defeat California SB277!      main symptoms that appeared after vac-             Tina Boyd, LCSW-C
                           Kim Schuette, CN  cinating my eleven-year-old for middle          Davidsonville, Maryland
                         San Diego, California  school was tooth decay. Having had no
                                             cavities before, within two months one  WAPF INVOLVEMENT
          WAPF FACEBOOK STRATEGY             tooth decayed so badly that it had to be     My wife and I are members of the
              I think what you are doing with your  removed. A few months later another  Weston A. Price Foundation. We attend-
          anti-vaccination memes on Facebook is  one followed. It seemed like it became  ed last week’s rally against SB277 which
          good strategy. I think what the National  almost irrelevant to pay attention to the  is pending in the California legislature.
          Rifle Association (NRA) did and con-  diet as the body was unable to assimilate  At the hearing of the Senate Health
          tinues to do is instructive. There was a  the nutrients.               Committee, we joined in the line-up of
          wave of anti-gun political activism so     There were other symptoms, such  hundreds of people speaking out against
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                             5

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