Page 3 - Summer2015
P. 3


          MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS            trust will lose their children; those who   VACCINES AND ALLERGIES
              It is important to be honest and  are wary, who think critically and who       I have been wondering about the
          accurate when we describe what is  are strong enough to refuse vaccinations   differences and similarities between
          happening today as we vaccinate our  will be blessed with healthy children and   vaccinations and allergy shots. The
          children for any and all diseases, even  grandchildren.                experts say vaccines make your body
          diseases that strike only small sections     It is a frightening proposition for   react a certain way to a pathogen, but
          of the adult population, injecting a cock-  many people to think for themselves,   they use allergy shots to make your body
          tail of toxins into their bloodstreams.  but this is what the vaccination wars are   not react a certain way to an allergen.
          There is but one way to describe this:  forcing people to do.              According to an article I read
          the murder of the innocents.                               Beth Verity  recently, the early vaccine developers
              Only they are usually not killed             Sacramento, California   recognized the fact that the injection
          right away. When a vaccination goes                                    of various substances directly into the
          wrong, which is happening with greater  VACCINATIONS AND               bloodstream would cause allergies.
          and greater frequency, what ensues is a  SPIRITUAL GROWTH              The article listed the most common
          kind of living death, which affects not     In the early 1920s, the esoteric phi-  allergens and documented how they
          only the victim but his or her entire fam-  losopher Rudolf Steiner warned that in   are used in vaccines. So that suggests
          ily, and for many years. These children  the future, vaccines would be designed   there is a direct link between all those
          need constant care and constitute a  as make it impossible for individuals to   common vaccinations and allergies.
          hidden population of sufferers, most of  have a spiritual life—that people who   It makes sense to me. It’s not normal
          whose parents are too traumatized and  got vaccines would be unable to rec-  for substances that are otherwise used
          too busy to take any active role in oppos-  ognize or understand the existence of a   as food to be injected directly into the
          ing the forces that damaged their child.  supersensible world and the role it plays   bloodstream. It seems like it would be
          Suffering, poverty, isolation, divorce,  in our lives, and only accept as real the   similar to “leaky gut syndrome,” where
          despair—these are some of the conse-  physical world they can see, touch and   undigested substances reach the blood-
          quences of vaccinations gone wrong,  hear.                             stream without passing through all the
          as parents spoon-feed and change the     There is an actual scientific expla-  normal channels first.
          diapers of their twenty-year-olds.   nation for this effect: the mercury and      Since I have been paying attention
              Biblical tradition describes three  aluminum in vaccines have adverse   to the health of my gut flora (trying to
          instances of murder of the innocents—  effects on the pineal gland. The pineal   keep the “good guys” healthy so I don’t
          at the birth of Abraham, the birth of  gland is said to be the “seat of the soul,”   have to restrict my diet), my greatest
          Moses, and the birth of Jesus. Each of  and Steiner said that the pineal gland   concern about vaccinations has been
          these signaled a new dispensation, char-  would gradually evolve to become a   the heavy metal preservatives that
          acterized by a steep change in the devel-  “third eye” that would allow us, as fully   stay in your system, continuing to kill
          opment of the independent personality,  developed individuals, to see into and   “germs”—that is, our beneficial bacte-
          a leap forward, so to speak, in spiritual  receive enlightenment from the spiritual   ria. Then, of course, there’s the preva-
          awareness and growth. And this modern  worlds. Thus, the practice of vaccination   lence of glyphosate, originally patented
          murder of the innocents will be no dif-  disrupts this process of evolution, one   as an antibiotic and chelator! Avoiding
          ferent, because it will eventually force  that human beings long for, one that
          everyone to learn to distrust authority,  Steiner claimed is actually necessary   Gifts and bequests to the
          to question the establishment, to think  for our happiness and survival.    Weston A. Price Foundation
          critically about everything that issues                   Bob Stewart         will help ensure the gift
                                                                                           of good health
          from the mouth of government and mod-              Rockville, Maryland        to future generations.
          ern institutions. Those who continue to
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                             3

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