Page 7 - Summer2015
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          Suzanne Humphries and have been lis-  it seems that the naturally convalesced  that further inflame.” Suddenly the work
          tening to her lectures online and reading  provide better herd immunity. And we  of Andrew Wakefield and the claims of
          her articles and book.             don't need to be afraid of naturally ac-  parents of autistic children with irritable
              Given what I already knew from Dr.  quired whooping cough. Dr. Humphries  bowel syndrome made complete sense.
          Price's teachings, the anti-vaccination  has written a great article about treating         Tami Berman
          position makes complete sense. Healthy  whooping cough with lipospheric vita-  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
          organisms, whether they are plants,  min C, even for babies. It worked great
          animals or humans, are naturally free  for me.                         VACCINATIONS AND DIABETES
          of disease, and when they do become     Interestingly, Dr. Humphries writes     In the spring of 1989 there was a
          ill, are able to fight off infection. These  “I've personally seen, in unvaccinated  burst of information about getting sec-
          occasional infections are necessary to  families, one child have clinical whoop-  ond MMRs for your kids. At the time, I
          exercise our innate immune system. In  ing cough, and the other children did  was working at the University of Utah
          the meantime, with all these vaccines,  not get sick. When those children had  Student Health Center as a receptionist.
          we are losing maternal immunity and  their blood antibodies measured to see  I took my two teenage children, a boy
          babies are becoming more vulnerable.  if they were going to be a risk to their  and a girl, to this clinic to receive their
          It's really outrageous how the media spin  schoolmates, they were measured as  second MMR. Within a day both of them
          everything. I had to re-educate myself  having had experience with pertussis by  became ill with fever and swollen glands
          completely.                        IgG and IgM. In retrospect, some moth-  similar to mumps, a reaction neither of
              The flu shot that is required for my  ers could recall a cold-like illness, and  them had suffered from prior vaccines.
          son to take the EMT course would make  others could not. I mention the fact that     A few weeks later, my son began
          him five or six times more susceptible  they were unvaccinated, not because  complaining of severe leg pains and con-
          to all other respiratory infections due to  I believe that is the reason they were  stant thirst. He had been rehearsing that
          a phenomenon called original antigenic  infected, but because I believe that is  summer for a community play. Around
          sin. This same phenomenon is respon-  the reason the children had subclinical  midnight one night he was in such pain
          sible for the failure of the pertussis  infections that went unrecognized, and  that we took him to an emergency room
          vaccine, which is why we are seeing so  they developed immunity.”      because he could barely walk. After a
          many more whooping cough infections     Immunizations disrupt the colo-  couple of hours, the room became full
          in fully vaccinated populations. The  nization of beneficial microflora in the  of doctors who wanted to see someone
          vaccine is actually why there are so  baby’s gut, triggering type 1 diabetes,  who could walk into an emergency room
          many more infections, because people  Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc. I was  with a blood sugar level off the charts.
          who are vaccinated walk around a-  reading an op-ed called “Who has the  At first they thought he had MS. Then
          symptomatic but carry the virus in their  guts for gluten” by Moises Velasquez-  they realized it was type I diabetes. They
          airways. Of course the media continue  Manoff in The New York Times. In it,  put him in the hospital for two days. He
          to blame the unvaccinated.         the author mostly focuses on the absence  insisted on leaving early so he could be
              As Suzanne Humphries writes in  of beneficial gut bacteria and different  in the play. The doctors and nurses asked
          reference to an experiment with ba-  studies done in different populations.  us if he had been ill with a virus within
          boons, “Baboons that were previously  What was most striking to me was a  the last six weeks. We said that he had
          vaccinated and immune vaccine-style  quote from Dr. Bana Jabri, director of  been ill from an MMR shot. They said
          became colonized upon later exposure  research at the University of Chicago  the shot was probably what triggered
          for a longer time than naive baboons:  Celiac Disease Center. She notes that  the diabetes! They also said that my
          forty-two days. However unvaccinated  “immune disturbances [vaccines?]  daughter, who also had been ill from
          baboons that recovered naturally and  change the microbial ecosystem. Rodent  the shot, could possibly come down with
          were later exposed to the bacteria did not  experiments show that intestinal inflam-  diabetes anytime within the next seven
          become colonized at all: zero days.” So  mation can select for unfriendly bacteria  years. Eight years later my daughter also
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                             7

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