Page 12 - Summer2015
P. 12

Caustic Commentary

                                     Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats

         VACCINES AND MEASLES                                 found that mortality dropped by 58 percent when children
         Early in the last century, measles killed millions of people  hospitalized with measles were given cod liver oil. Later
         per year. Then the death rate dropped—by the 1960s, by 98  studies in the 1990s showed amazing results of vitamin A
         percent. The measles vaccine entered the market in 1963,  reducing deaths by 60 to 90 percent. Research also indicates
         and the death rate dropped a bit more, just continuing its  that people who have childhood measles have lower rates of
         downward trend. Other infectious diseases—such as scarlet  cancer and allergies.
         fever and typhus—petered out in a similar way without any
         vaccines. Most scientists agree that the decline in death rates  VACCINES AND WHOOPING COUGH
         goes to improved nutrition, sanitation and health care. Most  It seems that nature just does not want to cooperate with
         of the deaths occurred among                                               our plan to control childhood dis-
         the poor or in those who had un-                                           eases using vaccinations. A study
         derlying diseases. When a child                                            just published in Pediatrics (doi:
         has measles, he or she has im-                                             10.1542/peds.2014-3358)  found
         munity for life and that immunity                                          that  protection from whooping
         is passed through the mother to                                            cough (pertussis) wears off just
         give immunity to her offspring                                             two to four years after the vaccine.
         for the first year. But immunity                                           Like the measles vaccine, the more
         from vaccines wears off and one                                            effective the shot, the more danger-
         unintended consequence of the                                              ous it is. The whole cell pertussis
         measles vaccine is that more                                               vaccine was removed from the
         pregnant women are getting the                                             market in 1997 after many years of
         measles—and when this  hap-                                                documented brain damage, such as
         pens, the results can be serious.                                          acute encephalopathy, and health
         A study in Houston of twelve                                               officials now openly admit that
         pregnant women and one who                                                 the current “safer” vaccine is less
         had just given birth, all of whom                                          effective. The Vaccine Adverse
         had the measles while pregnant,                                            Event Reporting System (VAERS)
         found one died, seven suffered                                             database lists almost seven thou-
         pneumonia and seven hepatitis, four went through premature  sand severe reactions to the pertussis injection—which means,
         labor and one lost her child in a spontaneous abortion. A  according to FDA and CDC, that the actual numbers could
         study of eight measles pregnancies in Japan found three had  be ten to one hundred times higher. As the pertussis vaccine
         spontaneous abortions or stillbirths while four babies were  is given in combination with two other vaccines (diphtheria
         born with congenital measles; two mothers had pneumonia  and tetanus), it’s hard to say which one is causing the most
         and one suffered hemorrhagic shock. A Los Angeles study  reactions. Pertussis rates have been rising in recent years,
         of fifty-eight measles pregnancies found twenty-one ended  after a low of less than three thousand in 1987. Outbreaks
         prematurely and two died. More babies are also getting  have occurred in fully vaccinated populations, such as a 2014
         measles, and babies have a greater risk of complications. At  outbreak in a Jewish summer camp. In fact, former Wistar
         least five measles vaccines have been withdrawn from the  vaccine developer Stanley Plotkin, MD, an advisor to Sanofi
         market because of high rates of serious reactions. The current  Pasteur and vocal champion of vaccines, recently told the
         vaccine is said to be safer, but also wears off more quickly  Third Annual Conference on Vaccines hosted by the European
         (  Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
         the-untold-story-of-measles). Vitamins A and C are highly  that recent whooping cough outbreaks are due to a failing
         protective against the measles. As early as 1932, scientists  vaccine. He concluded that a new vaccine is needed. It will
         12                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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