Page 14 - Summer2015
P. 14

Caustic Commentary

         turer. But according to a pharmaceutical industry insider, Dr.  cinations. A PhD immunologist and vaccine proponent, who
         Bernard Dalbergue, the cervical cancer vaccine is ineffective  declined to be named, has admitted during a conference in-
         and has tragic side effects, including paralysis, MS, convul-  volving health professionals that babies are only given shots up
         sions and blindness, and has caused dozens of deaths. One  to age one in order to “train the parents” to get their children
         of the ingredients in Gardasil is polysorbate 80, an emulsi-  into the medical system. Confessing that “the science seems
         fier that keeps all the other ingredients, like aluminum, in an  fairly clear that for the first year of life. . . the immunization
         even suspension; it also helps transport chemicals and drugs  is not stimulating the kind of response we expect it to stimu-
         across the blood brain barrier. It can also cause infertility.  late,” she then stated that “The vaccines are given at pediatric
         Said Dalbergue: “I predict that Gardasil will become the  wellness visits, and the idea is that you are training the parent
         greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point,  to bring their children at all the pediatric wellness visits, and
         the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical  that it’s only the year visit that actually is truly important. But
         and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on  that for most parents you are not going to get them to bring
         cervical cancer and that all the                                            their kid in if they don’t come in
         very many adverse effects which                                             at two months, four months and
         destroy lives and even kill, serve                                          six months. And so it’s actually
         no other purpose than to generate                                           more of a training thing.” You
         profit for the manufacturers.” He                                           can listen to this dreadful ad-
         adds that the financial interest in                                         mission—given flippantly and
         the vaccine makes it very difficult                                         with laughter—at
         to withdraw.                                                                immunologist-admits-babies-on-
         MORE TO COME
         Medscape listed “vaccines as can-                                           VACCINES WORKING?
         cer protections” among the top                                              U.S. medical personnel, health
         twenty medical breakthroughs in                                             officials and virtually the entire
         the last twenty years—along with                                            major media outlets insist that
         statins for secondary prevention (that is, statins for everyone).  vaccinations are perfectly safe. To make this statement, of-
         According to vaccine millionaire Paul Offit, MD, director of  ficials had to redefine the word “safe.” If you need to rush your
         the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in  screaming, hyperventilating, seizing baby to the emergency
         the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of  room after a vaccination, the hospital staff will tell you that
         Philadelphia, the “recently licensed 9-valent product has a  this is “just a normal reaction.” When a large study from
         chance to eliminate as many as twenty-nine thousand cases  Canada found that one in one hundred sixty-eight toddlers
         of cancer each year and as many as five thousand deaths.”  aged twelve months old were rushed to emergency rooms in
         Sandra Fryhofer, MD, a member of the Advisory Commit-  the four-to-twelve-day period after getting the MMR shot,
         tee on Immunization Practices at the CDC, adds, “A vaccine  the lead author of the study concluded, “This is the vaccine
         that prevents cancer, rather than treating it once diagnosed, is  working” (PLoS Medicine One Journal Dec 12, 2011).
         major. Now we just have to increase vaccination rates” (med-  ITALIAN COURTS RULE: VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM
         That means vaccinating boys as well as girls, then adults,  In September 2014, an Italian court in Milan awarded com-
         then everyone for other “cancer-preventing” vaccines in the  pensation to a boy who became autistic after receiving a shot
         pipeline.                                            containing six vaccines. Reported widely in the Italian press,
                                                              the U.S. press ignored it completely. The court concluded
         TRAINING PARENTS                                     that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain
         Parents following the vaccination schedule bring their babies  damage because of mercury and aluminum in the vaccine “in
         in at two, four and six months for their recommended vac-  concentrations exceeding the maximum recommended levels
         14                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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