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ThE WESTON A. PriCE                            President’s Message

                   FOuNdATiON         ®

                 Education  Research  Activism

            Board of directors                          In this issue we offer our members three articles based on presenta-
              sally fallon, Ma, President and treasurer
              Mary enig, Phd, facN, cNs, Vice President  tions given at Wise Traditions 2008, our ninth annual conference. The
              Geoffrey Morell, Nd, JP, secretary
              tom cowan, Md                          conference explored the connection of nutrition with mental and emo-
              cherie calvert                         tional health; and the many fine speakers on this subject validated the
              Kaayla t. daniel, Phd, ccN
              Valerie curry Joyner                   intimate connection between the body and the mind, between physical
                                                     health and mental outlook.
            GeNeraL coUNseL
              James turner, esq.                        The three representative articles we present in this issue offer three
            HoNorarY Board                           distinct but complementary points of view on the influence of nutrition
              Jen allbritton, Bs, cN                 on our emotions and mental well-being. Chris Masterjohn presents
              christian B. allen, Phd
              Naomi Baumslag, Md, MPH                the latest scientific discoveries on the contribution of the fat-soluble
              Marie a. Bishop, cdc
              Jerry Brunetti                         activators, vitamins A and D, to the function of “feel-good” chemicals
              Natasha campbell-McBride, Md           in the brain, and even to our ability to plan for the future and carry out
              Lee clifford, Ms, ccN
              christapher cogswell, Ma               long-range tasks.
              Monica corrado                            From his viewpoint as an anthroposophical physician inspired by
              Janice curtin
              eric davis, Bdsc, dac, dcN             the writings of Rudolf Steiner, Tom Cowan discusses the question of
              William campbell douglass, Md
              sara Bachman ducey, Ms, cNs            what is disease? what is a proper diagnosis? what is an autoimmune
              James a. duke, Phd                     disease? and what is the connection of our interior body chemistry to
              carol esche, dNP, Ma, rN, cNa
              Mike fitzpatrick, Phd                  the plants that grow in the world outside ourselves. He also presents
              ruth ann foster, Ma                    information about the great potential for low-dose naltrexone therapy
              donna Gates, Bs, Med
              Zac Goldsmith, editor, the ecologist   in the treatment of addiction and immune dysfunction.
              Nicholas Gonzalez, Md
              trauger Groh                              Theresa Vernon explores the relationship between nutrition, heavy
              Joann s. Grohman                       metals and disease, including mental disorders. Her work underscores
              Barry anthony Groves
              Beatrice trum Hunter, Ma               the importance of healthy adrenal function as the basis for ongoing
              richard James, MBa, LLd                protection against heavy metals, and also highlights the dangers of
              Larry Klein
              Kilmer Mccully, aB, Md, Ma (hon)       vegetarian diets, which lead to mineral imbalances. Her treatment plan
              frank Melograna, Md
              carlos Monteiro                        includes a nutrient-dense diet, cod liver oil, hair mineral analysis, gentle
              Joseph Mercola, do                     detoxification measures and Chinese herbs.
              Kenneth fielding Morehead, doM
              david Morris, Bs, dc                      Recent new alerts tell us that one young adult in five suffers from a
              Bruce rind, Md                         personality disorder serious enough to affect normal life activities and
              Julia ross, Ma
              Jordan s. rubin, NMd, cNc              that one adult in two will suffer from a mental or emotional disorder some
              ethan russo, Md
              adrienne samuels, Phd                  time during life. Indeed, almost the entire civilized world is addicted
              Jack samuels, MsHa                     to either drugs or stimulants (including refined and artificial sweeten-
              ron schmid, Nd
              andreas schuld                         ers). This is not what Dr. Price found in his studies of nonindustrialized
              frederick i. scott, Jr, Be, Ms         peoples consuming nutrient-dense foods. Modern treatment plans for
              c. edgar sheaffer, VMd
              ted spence, dds, Nd                    these conditions generally ignore the role of nutrition for the proper
              rebecca L. stearns, Lac, dac
              alana sugar, cN                        function of our neuro-hormones, neuro-transmitters and other important
              Krispin sullivan, cN                   neuro-chemicals; but the combination of recent scientific discoveries and
              Joe tarantolo, Md
              John Umlauf                            the wisdom and experience of holistic practitioners in this field reveals
              charles Walters, Ma
              susun s. Weed                          nutrition to be the only firm basis on which to build lasting healing for
              david Wetzel, Bs                       so-called psychological illness. In the midst of campaigns for increasing
              Bruce West, dc
              George Yu, Md                          pharmaceutical treatments for mental and emotional disorders in both
                                                     young and old, we should always keep in mind the still, small voice of
                                                     Dr. Price: Life in all its fullness is Mother Nature obeyed.
         2                                          Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
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