Page 7 - Winter2008
P. 7


          in butter—we call it fried bread. Maple     My son weighed only 32 pounds at  ago, and have slowly changed our diet.
          syrup is lavishly poured on the buck-  the age of six, but has now put on seven  As  a  result,  we  feel  so  much  more
          wheat! Smoothies are a smorgasbord of  pounds and grown four inches. He can  “whole.” We’ve seen benefits like weight
          hidden secrets.                    now play sports with kids his own age.  loss and more energy, but most impor-
              Sometimes I throw everything into  By the way, the main reason I started  tant, the feeling of being “whole” has
          one pot because the dishwasher (me) is  looking to change my diet was from a  been wonderful. Thank you very much
          out of commission. I have learned to  back injury in 2003. I herniated a lower  for your work!
          speed cook. I can slice and dice with the  disk and was told that I would live with
          best of them. I have learned to go with  pain for the rest of my life, and that I   Saiful Haque and Laila Hernandez
          the flow and can change my dinner plans  should forget about riding my mountain      Hamilton, New Jersey
          in seconds. The frozen meal I tried to  bike, hiking and snowboarding—all the
          defrost is still a solid rock. Scrambled  things that I loved doing. After about  MY SOY STORY
          eggs with fried bread and salad are great  a month on a WAPF diet (and some     I just found out about your website
          and speedy. Radical maybe, survival  secrets from my grandmother, too), my  and information on soy and have been
          definitely.                        pain began to leave me. I now am totally  sending emails to people ever since to
              The challenge of feeding my family  pain free and have no problem riding  let them know: Soy is not a health food,
          WAPF-style is, at the end of the day, a  fifteen miles or hiking several trails in  it’s not just an allergen, it’s poison!
          very rewarding and fulfilling endeavor.  the same day.                     All three of my children were fed
          When (on those rare nights) everybody     It really is amazing that a year ago  soy baby formula for the entire first year
          is  actually  eating  what  I  made  I’m  the doctors were telling me that I would  of their lives. As an adult, my son tends
          beaming from ear to ear. I wish every-  have to take multiple medications for my  to be on the hyper side and is bored
          body much success in feeding the next  back pain.                      very easily. His hands have always had
          generation. May you grow from all the                       Jeff Smith  a slight shake to them.
          challenges and difficulties.                       Frederick, Maryland     My daughter was diagnosed with
                                                                                 ADD at age 12 and was put on Ritalin,
                Milka Feldman, Maverick Mom  NO MORE PCOS                        which  created  a  nightmare  chain  of
                    Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel     Thank you for all your information  events leading to drug and alcohol abuse
                                             on nutrient-dense diets! I suffered from  and psychiatric hospitalization.
          Thank you for sharing your wonderful  polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)     My youngest daughter has learn-
          cooking style—it’s a gentle reminder to  and irregular periods, and as soon as I  ing disabilities, and she has had focus
          the rest of us not to take our meal plan-  started implementing your nutritional  and impulse problems since she was
          ning and food providing too seriously!  recommendations into my diet, I noticed  small. Anything that requires grasping
                                             a change. I am now almost five months  concepts is a challenge for her. She has
          HUGE CHANGE IN                     pregnant, and conception was made a lot  had a history of difficulty in her personal
          FAMILY HEALTH                      easier because of my improved health!   relationships with peers as well. She is a
              Thank you for all your informa-                                    bright, beautiful child and this is break-
          tion! It has made a huge change in my                   Donielle Baker  ing my heart.
          family’s health. The asthma my three-          Grand Rapids, Michigan      All  my  children  are  bright  and
          year-old daughter and I have suffered                                  beautiful and it makes me horribly sad
          has completely gone away in less than  FEELING WHOLE                   to think they have been poisoned by me,
          ten months by just cooking the WAPF     My wife and I learned about your  when I thought I was doing something
          way.                               dietary information a couple of years  good for them. It was considered the

          WINTER 2008                                Wise Traditions                                             7
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