Page 5 - Winter2008
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          were especially outstanding. Thank you  healthy traditional snacks. I am going  lowfat movement. She has always eaten
          for the article about cookware. You gave  to start compiling the recipes, tips, etc.,  a diet rich in whole milk, yogurt, butter,
          me many new reasons to enjoy using my  in a notebook, and then have it made  cream, cheese and meat with the fat on.
          cast-iron Lodge cookware as well as my  up into a cookbook, which will make  She is in great health, takes no medica-
          enameled cast-iron cookware.                                                tion, still cooks and cleans, gar-
              Next, the articles in your                                              dens, and walks everywhere. Her
          most recent issue about cooking                                             skin is amazing. My Dad is also
          nourishing traditional foods on a                                           in great health, a great cook and
          budget and cooking for children                                             gardener!  They  both  take  cod
          in school were some of your                                                 liver oil every day. Both of them
          best. Both articles are so chock-                                           are mentally sharp and have their
          full of useful information. I have                                          original teeth.
          been working so hard over the                                                        I have one other thing
          last few months to buy the best                                             to  share  with  you.  One  of  my
          food that I can find—organic                                                girlfriends was plagued with mis-
          and local—and I was amazed                                                  carriages—about seven over the
          at how much money I was able                                                course of the last twenty years.
          to save by buying as much as I                                              Then she started eating a nourish-
          can from local farms. With meal                                             ing traditional diet a few years
          planning and menu creations,                                                back, including raw dairy, organ
          and some advanced preparation,                                              meats (she loves head cheese!)
          my family is able to eat real food                                          and fermented beverages. And
          prepared in a traditional, health-                                          now she is pregnant, at 43. She
          giving manner. Dr. Sergeant’s                                               is looking forward to delivering
          article has armed me with ad-                                               a healthy and happy baby boy in
          ditional information to help me                                             January! Thank you once again.
          even more with feeding my family on a  a wonderful fundraising opportunity                  Mary Shrader
          budget.                            for our co-op. I hope the snacks and the                 Austin, Texas
              Finally,  the  article  on  a  healthy  cookbook will encourage more nourish-
          school lunch program was so timely for  ing lunches brought from home. My son  SCHOOL LUNCH
          me. I recently enrolled my son in a two-  is a wonderful ambassador, proud to  COOKBOOK NEEDED!
          day home school co-op that presently  bring out his raw milk, crispy nuts and     Thank you for your article, “Cook-
          has no lunch program in place. After  sourdough meat-filled sandwiches at  ing for Sequoia Academy” (Fall, 2008).
          some observations of what the children  lunch time. With his impressive height,  We need author Stephanie Rivers to
          were bringing for lunch, all I could think  trim yet strong physique, “milk-fed”  write a cookbook! It’s very challenging,
          about was the manual that Ms. Rivers  rosy cheeks and pleasant demeanor, I  at times, to come up with WAPF-type
          described in her article about Sequoia  can see some of the other parents taking  recipes when there are multiple food
          Academy.                           notice!                             sensitivities involved. For example, my
              I am on a mission now to teach,     I wanted to share with you a photo  daughter and some of her friends are
          teach, teach. I am responsible for bring-  of my parents Gloria and Jim, married  on gluten-free diets. I make gluten-free
          ing  the  mid-morning  snack  for  the  for fifty years. Mom is 83 and Dad is  muffins, but I have been unfortunately
          children and am going to start bringing  78. My mother never succumbed to the  using those rice-based mixes from the

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