Page 4 - Winter2008
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         friend if she’d heard of any instances of  the birds like, and another color for  PRINCIPLES ARE THE
         illness from the Living Milk dispersals  skim milk. The birds have learned to  DIFFERENCE
         and she said that no, she’d never heard  be choosy. They open the caps of the     From  studying  Parelli  natural
         of any.                            creamy milk and leave the skim milk  horsemanship, I have learned the value
             Can you possibly imagine such a  alone!”                           of principles. Principles don’t make a
         setup in this country?? We do need to     Nature truly does teach best!  difference, they are the difference.
         revisit our ideas of what is dangerous!              Don Von Deinzon      The Weston A. Price Foundation
                                                                                provides  us  with  dietary  principles.
                           Katherine Czapp  DENTAL HEALTH IN BULGARIA           When reading the book Sugar Blues, I
                       Ann Arbor, Michigan      Greetings from Bulgaria! Dental  was frustrated by the statements “sugar
                                            health in children is my big concern.  is the cheapest source of calories” and
         THE BIRDS KNOW                     For 45 years we were isolated from the  “calories are energy.” Such statements
             Thank you for your unwavering  world, behind the Iron Curtain, so we  might lead one to think that sugar is
         message:  our  bodies  need  nutrient-  were kept away from the western diet.  good and acceptable. I knew this was
         dense food. I avoided healthy fats for  Dental checkups were mandatory and  wrong and I know that you are right in
         many years, only to find myself easily  tooth decay was uncommon. But after  your insistence on nutrient-dense foods,
         fatigued.                          the fall of communism, when fast and  but I couldn’t figure out the “how”!
             Here is a story from Ranger Rick  junk food quickly gained popularity, the     Then it occurred to me. The premise
         magazine, printed in the 1980s, about a  results have been disastrous. Today 70  that sugar is calories and therefore fuel
         girl who was new to Great Britain. Upon  percent of our children have tooth decay,  sounds good. However, it’s a takeoff
         having  milk  delivered to  the house,  and every second teenager has had at  from the Age of Mechanization. Ve-
         something tore off the foil milk caps  least one tooth extracted. The govern-  hicles need fuel to perform, but they
         and left dirt in the milk. What was it?  ment officially approved fluoridation  don’t regenerate. Living beings regener-
             “The milk-snitching birds . . . were  of the water and food in kindergartens,  ate! You must have nutrient-dense foods
         tits. These birds don’t live in North  which will make things even worse, as  to regenerate—including procreation
         America. But they are relatives of our  you know.                      and recovery from illness. We are not
         chickadees and titmice.                Last year I discovered Nutrition  mechanical things, we are living beings.
             “How did these birds learn to snitch  and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Price  In order to live and regenerate, we must
         milk from bottles? People first noticed  and read it all. Needless to say I got the  have more than mere calories. We must
         some birds taking milk about 70 years  answer to all my questions concerning  have real food!
         ago. At that time, milk bottles in Eng-  dental health and degeneration. Now, the           Candis Veach
         land had waxy cardboard caps, and the  question is how to bring this knowledge                Leorr, Iowa
         birds liked to nibble on the wax. A few  to the people of Bulgaria? Weston Price
         birds may have pecked so hard at the  is virtually unknown here; no one wants  USEFUL INFORMATION
         wax that their beaks went right through  to pay for the translation of his book. I     I have been a fan of Nourishing Tra-
         the cardboard tops. Then they discov-  translated a small presentation video  ditions and the Weston A. Price Founda-
         ered that the strange white stuff under  on Google but that’s far from enough.  tion for a number of years now. All of
         the caps tasted good. Soon birds all over  Please, advise me on what to do now.  your wonderful advice has changed the
         the country learned to do it, too.                                     lives of my family. We are all so much
             “The milk bottles in England have                    Ludmil Egov   healthier!
         different colored foil caps now. There’s       Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria     All of your issues of Wise Traditions
         one  color  for  creamy  milk,  which                                  are rich with information but the last two
         4                                          Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
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