Page 6 - Winter2008
P. 6


         store. Stephanie’s sweet potato muffins  not feel deprived that they are not get-  I’m out all day in an adventurous search
         were a hit, and so healthy, at my three-  ting the newest space-age techno-food. I  for organic food, I come home too tired
         year-old’s birthday party!         want them to feel good about what they  to cook what I planned, so I opt for Plan
             I need to learn healthier, alternative  are eating.                B (whatever that may be).
         recipes like that as I struggle with the     If you come from a home where the      One week there is an unplanned
         alternative grains and food preparation  parents have the final word and children  bargain when I go shopping so I stock up
         for kids. I’d like to see recipes like this  do as they are told, including finishing  for the next few months. Now I actually
         in every journal.                  every last morsel on their plate, please  have to use up all that I bought. I hope
             The traditional foods are easy, but  ignore my comments. Since I abhor  you get the picture!
         not if you have to avoid things like dairy,  physically manipulating food into my     I have my few set guidelines that
         eggs, gluten grains and nuts. And my  children’s mouths, I opt for the look and  have helped me, which is why I would
         daughter reacts immediately to coconut!  taste appeal of naturally satisfying food.  like to share them with you. During a
         Believe it or not, I know two other kids  So  when  the  organic  pasture-raised  busy work week, I try to prepare meals
         who do as well. I just want to thank you  foods cost double and triple I don’t bat  that take about one-half hour prep time
         for the work you all do.           an eyelash, I put them in my shopping  and about one and one-half hours’ cook-
                               Lisa Olauson  cart. I have even stopped looking at the  ing time. I consider a meal successful
                      Long Beach, California  prices. So much for budget! However,  when more than a majority of family
                                            since I do avoid processed food, I usu-  members consumes at least four spoon-
         MANY STYLES OF MEAL                ally spend less, although not always.   fuls. I am happy when about 85 percent
         PLANNING                               As for meal planning, once upon a  of the meal is prepared according to
             I just wanted to add my two cents  time I would diligently plan a weekly  WAPF principles. So sometimes my
         regarding the recent articles on money  menu, but no more! How do you plan  grains are soaked properly and some-
         and meal planning published in the last  when life’s twists and turns are so unpre-  times they are just baptized (toiveled,
         issue (Fall, 2008). I wanted to present  dictable? For example, I cook double and  if you are Jewish). On a bad week I’m
         another side of the story for all those  my kids gobble up everything. Who’s to  happy if I cooked a decent meal 50 per-
         mothers who are struggling with tight-  stop a hungry child from eating good  cent of the time. I have no qualms about
         ened spending while cooking healthy  food or thwart a mother’s delight in  serving breakfast food for dinner or vice
         meals.                             watching? Then, I cook for one meal and  versa. Pancakes are one example.
             I must admit I’m a maverick mom  it lasts a week. I don’t want to waste my     I’m also not concerned if a child is
         and budgeting and meal planning are  expensive food so now I have to camou-  on a monodiet. Isn’t that what Dr. Price
         dirty words in my house. Yes, I do fol-  flage it in other foods before it rots in the  learned  from  native  cultures?  I’m  a
         low WAPF principles to the best of my  never-never land of my refrigerator.   sneaky cook so I try to prepare food that
         ability. My children still eat junk but     I cook a sumptuous dinner and ev-  looks like the neighbor’s but with my
         there is only so much you can hold back  erybody rejects it for toast with cheese.  ingredients. Millet in our house is called
         from them when all their friends are eat-  One week the kids finish every drop and  couscous. Our brown rice is disguised
         ing that way. Once upon a time I tried  the next week no one wants it.   with turmeric and called “yellow rice.”
         to apply all the proper principles of a     One week a certain child has special  Some vegetables are processed into a
         budget-conscious mother and at the end  nutritional requirements so I make a dif-  smooth paste so that they are indiscern-
         of the day it didn’t work. For example,  ferent menu for him. One week I’m too  ible in the meat sauce. (However, it
         when I’m shopping for healthy food and  pregnant and nauseated to look at any-  didn’t help for the one child with X-ray
         I’m competing with the junk processed  thing, so the kids fend for themselves.  vision.) Liver is mixed with the ground
         food, I spend the money so my kids will  I plan a meal in the morning, but since  meat. Dense, sourdough bread is fried
         6                                          Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
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