Page 9 - Winter2008
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with low back pain resulting from many the Active MME group reported an av- NAIS AND HUMAN RIGHTS
different diagnoses, including bulging erage drop in pain score of 3.2 points, I believe the proposed National
discs, herniated discs and arthritis. while the Sham MME group reported a Animal Identification System (NAIS)
Some have had previous surgery. Many drop of only 0.9 points. is one of the most significant issues to
had pains radiating into their legs. The Six months after the MME hours come along in a while, as the NAIS ap-
average duration of low back pain for were completed, the Active MME group pears to be a fundamental infringement
the trial participants was 14 years and still reported an average improvement of human rights.
the average pain score was 5.3 on a in pain score of 2.8 points. The Sham It’s one thing if a majority of Ameri-
zero-to-ten scale. These were people MME group’s pain score was improved cans wants to run ever deeper into the
with significant, long-term back pain. by only 0.5 points. These figures are technological jungle of mass commu-
Of the 77 participants, 43 received averages for each group. Some Sham nications, of unsurpassed production
Active MME and 34 received the sham MME participants exhibited a placebo of herbicides, pesticides and industrial
or inactive MME. The sham MME response but further analysis showed chemicals, of an ever more pervasive
magnets were turned off. The treatment that being in the Active MME group petroleum industry, of agribusiness with
consisted of 140 hours of MME admin- meant that you were twice as likely to feedlots of 10,000 cattle. But a step like
istered over 12 – 15 days. That is a lot of get an improvement of two points or the NAIS begins to seriously impose the
time to spend lying on a MME treatment greater compared to being in the Sham will of the majority on the small number
bed, but the people who signed up for MME group. of people in America who still want to
the trial were faithful in showing up for live plain, simple, healthy lives. It’s as
their treatment. Very few dropped out. Wayne Bonlie, MD, Research Director though three-quarters of the citizens in
They were willing to spend the time to Advanced Magnetic Research America took up smoking, but not being
get rid of the pain! Institute, International content with that, they want to require
To be fair to the participants who Calgary, Canada by law that the remaining one quarter
were placed in the Sham MME group, also become smokers.
they were offered the active MME treat- The combination of energy healing At the founding of this country,
ment once they were finished with the methods such as MME with a nour- John Adams was concerned that in time
follow-up of their part in the trial. ishing traditional diet should be the a serious problem would develop, which
Within 5 days of starting MME remedy of choice for all those suffering he called “the tyranny of the majority.”
treatment, the participants in the Active from pain. The diet should include cod He was a perceptive man.
MME group began to report less pain liver oil, bone broths, grass-fed animal David Ellis
than those in the Sham MME group. At foods and no processed foods contain- Portsmouth, Rhode Island
the end of 140 hours of MME treatment ing MSG.
It’s not too soon to start thinking about Wise Traditions 2009, now that we are catching our breath after our wonder-
fully successful conference, Wise Traditions 2008. We had one poster presentation this year, a report on the effectiveness
of fermented cod liver oil for raising vitamin D levels, by Rosann Volmert, DO, of Pasadena California. (Details on these
findings will be discussed in our Spring, 2009 issue.)
Poster presentation provide the scientific caché we need to bring us into the mainstream and ensure that practitioners
take notice of our work. We especially encourage pracititoners to prepare poster presentations that report on resullts
obtainsed using WAPF dietary principles. So to our member practitioners, please start planning now! We’d love to have
dozens of poster presentations at our next conference, November 12-15 in Schaumburg, Illinois.
WINTER 2008 Wise Traditions 9