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healthier way to formula feed. I was but it took me a long time. Only recently MME FOR
working full-time and breastfeeding have I realized the genuine propaganda CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN
just wasn’t going to be convenient or effect of it all and how deep it goes. I As the Foundation has reported on
comfortable—if I only had the chance remember that it took two months after our magnet therapy for stroke victims
to make that choice again. I heard about WAPF to cancel my “ad- (Spring, 2001,
I am still in a state of shock and vanced seminar” with the vegetarian moderndiseases/magnet.html), I’d like
disbelief, and still discovering the wide- diet promoter John McDougall. I may to report to your readers the latest news
spread ways in which this poison has glance back now and again, as someone from Advanced Magnetic Research
affected my own body, not to mention who believes in knowing what is going Institute.
the broad effect it’s had on my Our primary research
children. I am trying to figure involves the Magnetic Molecular
out a treatment plan to regain Energizer (MME). For those of
our health. you who are unfamiliar with the
Lynn Roberts MME, it resembles an open MRI
Lemoore, California machine but is used for magnetic
therapy only and does not gener-
See the article “Recovery from ate any images. We are currently
Soy,” by Dr. Kaayla Daniel, in near completion of our random-
the Spring 2007 issue of Wise ized, blinded, sham controlled
Traditions. Cod liver oil, raw trial using the MME for treat-
milk, organ meats, butter and ment of chronic low back pain.
bone broths are essential com- The results are looking great and
ponents of any soy recovery offer strong scientific support for
program. Dr. Daniel also offers the effectiveness of the MME
a new CD, “Recovery from treatment for this condition.
Soy.” For further information, The MME is currently
contact her at kaayla@drkaayladaniel. on and being said in that realm, but I am considered an experimental device by
com. no longer tempted to attend any “lowfat” the FDA. We plan to submit the data
seminar, buy a book or see a speaker. from this trial to the FDA for approval
DEEP PROPAGANDA It has taken me several years to of MME as an approved medical device.
I thought of all my WAPF friends begin to see the depth and breadth of the We want this therapy to be made avail-
while in the deep South, attending a lowfat credo. The devastation of it all as able to the many people who suffer from
blues festival. A billboard advertising we slide into higher rates of diabetes and this debilitating condition.
pork fat was in a grocery store parking the despair of obesity! Thank you for We plan to have 100 participants
lot. What struck me was the fact that working so diligently. I’m surrounded with chronic low back pain in the trial.
one would never see a sign like this by those who have gone before me and So far we have enrolled 77 participants
in the suburbs where I live, in the San who keep me from sliding backwards.
Francisco Bay area. Gifts and bequests to the
I learned about the Weston A. Price Karen Ferguson Weston A. Price Foundation
Foundation and traditional diets several Sunnyside, California will help ensure the
years ago. Perhaps some people can gift of good health
throw off the lowfat dogma in 24 hours, to future generations.
8 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008