Page 66 - Winter2010
P. 66
We are not calcium. (With high nitrogen, potassium or a great indicator of healthy, biologically active
interested in magnesium levels, calcium levels may not be soils. Phosphorous exchangeability and organic
adequate in the plant. The goal is as close to a 1:1 matter are needed by the plant at high levels, but
pushing the ratio with potassium as possible and at around 2 large amounts of phosphorous are often tied up
cow into high percent calcium in feed tests.) in the soil, unavailable to the plant. Commercial
production Just because the soil pH is within the ideal phosphorous dumped on the ground does not
simply get sucked up into the plant as nitrogen
range (6.5-7), it does not mean you will auto-
with lots of matically have high plant uptake of calcium, that and potassium do. In fact, putting on soluble
grain at the additional calcium does not need to be applied, phosphorous has a negative effect on plants’
expense of or that the soil doesn’t need lime. Providing a symbiotic interaction with mycorrhizae, the soil
diverse supply of calcium sources is highly ben-
fungal group that aids in getting phosphorous
the cow’s eficial, even if pH is already at a “good” level. into the plant.
health and There is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes We like to use natural rock phosphates,
the health of to different sources of calcium for different soil certain plant species, and biological activity to
situations. However, one rule is that smaller extract the phosphorous and convert it into a
the consumer. amounts more often seem to work well on most chelated, organic, plant-available form. Phos-
soils. Calcium sources include calcium nitrate, phorus and magnesium are synergistic; they
gypsum, Bio-Cal , OrganiCal and HumaCal , are team-mates and should be at .35 percent or
rock phosphate (if you also need phosphorous), higher on feed tests. These are energy minerals,
burnt lime, and activated calcium (note that not both of which are vital to production through
all of these are organic). Choose the right source photosynthesis and also to transportation. These
for the situation. Often, supplying a humate two minerals are extremely difficult to get into
source with calcium yields good results. Organi- the plant.
Cal and HumaCal have humates added. Field- Magnesium is an indicator of many things, a
grade lime is insoluble and performs well on low major storyteller of soil balance and health. Mag-
pH soil, when incorporated, because it needs the nesium levels can be high in the soil and yet be
“acidity” of that soil to break down the calcium low in the plant. Magnesium carbonate (dolomitic
carbonate and make it available to the plants. lime) isn’t plant usable unless something breaks
Spraying on a few ounces of a plant stimu- it down—this is carried out through soil biology
lant calcium may help by serving as a short-term acids, plants extraction or sulfurs. One more issue
fix but it won’t do in the long run. Remember, an to keep in mind: there is an inverse relationship
alfalfa crop removes two hundred fifty pounds between potassium and magnesium. The higher
per acre of the available soil calcium. the soluble soil potassium, the more potassium
Boron and calcium seem to work together. and the less magnesium the plant takes up. In
We like to call calcium “the trucker of all min- order to get high plant magnesium, you must not
erals” and boron “the steering wheel.” Boron is overdo potassium. Good biological activity along
needed in relatively small volume, but it governs with a variety of plants to feed soil life is part of
calcium uptake and sugar movements, both criti- the success of getting magnesium into the plant.
cal factors in producing more plant energy and
plant pectins (the highly digestible carbohydrate SULFUR
that is closely associated with calcium). Boron is Sulfur is needed to make proteins and build
relatively easy to get in plants and to manage. It’s humus in the soil. Our Midwestern Bio-Ag con-
an anion (meaning that it is negatively charged), sultants have suggested that we should really
so it’s a highly soluble, leachable mineral, and have “The Big Five,” not “The Big Four,” because
thus readily available to the plant. For us in the sulfur should be added to the list of basic soil
Midwest, we normally add one pound per acre minerals. In order to get magnesium uptake in the
each year to fields, and sometimes more based plant, sulfur needs to be in good supply, so you
on soil type. Some people in the East apply two can’t get ideal levels of “The Big Four” without
pounds of actual boron annually. good sulfur levels.
Phosphorous at high levels in the plant is Each year a minimum of twenty-five pounds
66 Wise Traditions WINTER 2010
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