Page 67 - Winter2010
P. 67
per acre of sulfate sulfur needs to be added to minerals are lacking and nitrogen is in excess,
most soils. The goal for our feed test is a 1:1:1 the amino acids can’t be made and thus you have
ratio of phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur. incomplete proteins. On the other hand, if extra
nitrogen is available due to over-application or
QUALITY FORAGE too much manure, then free nitrogen can get in
Cows are designed to eat a variety of for- the plant. The test can’t tell the difference; this
ages (not grain), so utilizing high levels of free nitrogen is calculated as protein, but in fact
diverse, nutrient-rich, high quality forages for it may not be.
an extended grazing season is the focal point of
biological farm management. We want to assist MANAGING NUTRIENTS
cattle in production with high quality forages fed There are two nutrient areas to consider: the
at the right level. We are not interested in pushing first is soil correction to achieve soil balance, by
that cow into high production with lots of grain supplying nutrients that are lacking, based on a
at the expense of the cow’s health and the health complete soil test.
of the consumer. The second is crop fertilizers. These inputs
Dairy nutritionists have parameters for what are above and beyond soil correction inputs.
it takes to keep the cow producing well. What is These are specific blends for the crop you are
missing from the forage has to be supplemented, growing and the soil type you have. A crop fertil-
quite often at a substantial cost, in order to meet izer doesn’t correct soil deficiencies and should
the cow’s requirements. Because it takes time be a balance of all nutrients, not just N-P-K.
to get soils minerally balanced and healthy, The nutrient sources we are often managing
extra supplementation to a cow’s ration is likely on a grass-based dairy are manure, compost, and
needed until the soil is balanced. Once quality fertilizers (nutrients).
forage production is achieved on the farm, more Fertilizers are rated on water solubility and
minerals and nutrients are provided through price per unit. But what about the fertilizer’s ef-
those plants and less supplementation is required. fects on soil and soil life? How available is it to
High quality, nutrient-dense forages offer more the plant? Are the nutrients stable, or will they
energy due to improved digestibility of the plant leach away before the plants can use them?
carbohydrates, resulting in more sugars, pectins, You can do things to enhance nutrient uptake
hemicellulose and other materials that are more and fertilizer efficiency, such as adding carbon
digestible by the rumen bacteria. and balancing the soluble types with the slow
Many farmers notice a difference with bio- release types. Balancing soluble to slow-release
logically fertilized crops, saying that they feed fertilizers provides timed release of nutrients.
better even though they may or may not test Composting manure with lots of carbon
differently. We also find that we can get better stabilizes the nutrients, changing manure from Healthy,
utilization of these minerals in the feed as they a soluble to a slow release nutrient source. well-aerated
break down during the digestive process. Also, With liquid manures, applying a light ap-
with the newer, improved Relative Forage Qual- plication of lime prior to manure application soils with
ity (RFQ) test, we do believe that we have moved and a surface aeration is a good idea. Smaller, nutrient
a step closer to an accurate assessment of feed more frequent lime additions are more benefi- balance and
quality. cial than larger doses. On low-phosphorus soils
Keep in mind the fact that there are flaws adding rock phosphate to liquid manure is a diverse plant
associated with the current protein test tech- beneficial practice. We also like to add BioCal ® species
niques. For example, true protein is not measured when spreading liquid manure to help stabilize, naturally have
in these tests, rather, nitrogen is, and then it is optimize, and balance the use of nitrogen and
multiplied by 6.25 and the resulting number is potassium. a good
assumed to indicate protein levels. In truth, pro- Foliar feeding with fish, molasses, kelp, nitrogen to
teins are made up of amino acids—carbon chain magnesium sulfate, and/or micronized minerals carbon
compounds with nitrogen attached, and some is not a bad idea. This is an “extra” or short-term
also carry sulfur and other minerals. If these fix, not a replacement for a good soil mineral balance.
WINTER 2010 Wise Traditions 67
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