Page 70 - Winter2010
P. 70
A Campaign for Real Milk
by Chris Masterjohn
One of the many benefits of raw milk may for glutathione synthesis is cysteine. Cysteine is
be its ability to promote the production of a won- a sulfur-containing amino acid that is found in
derful little compound called “glutathione.” This the diet, especially in animal proteins, and that
tiny compound consists of just three amino acids, our livers also make from methionine, another
but it is the master antioxidant and detoxifier of sulfur amino acid. These are the same dreaded
the cell. sulfur amino acids that vegetarians erroneously
It may be reductionist to focus on gluta- claim leach calcium from our bones.
thione, but understanding how a food provides Studies in both rats and humans show that
its benefits not only helps us better understand deficient intakes of these supposedly bone-
how to produce, prepare and use that food, but eroding sulfur-containing amino acids lead to
also helps us identify other foods that may offer a deficient synthesis of glutathione. The more
similar benefits. For example, large amounts extensive rat studies show that glutathione in-
of raw fruits and vegetables may provide some creases as dietary protein increases, and that
A Campaign glutathione-boosting power for people who can- related antioxidant and detoxification enzymes
for Real Milk not tolerate even small amounts of raw milk. increase in tandem. In fact, this is true even when
Heck, even—shudder—raw egg whites may give the protein is the supposedly cancer-causing milk
is a project of a glutathione boost in some people comparable protein, casein.
the Weston A. to that given by raw milk! But raw milk is a There is just one problem, however. Once
Price tasty and excellent source of this amazing little we meet our requirement for protein and sulfur-
Foundation. molecule. containing amino acids, eating extra protein
or sulfur-containing amino acids fails to boost
To obtain MASTER ANTIOXIDANT AND DETOXIFIER glutathione any further. Rats need to consume
some of our Glutathione maintains vitamins C and E in about 15 percent of calories from protein in order
informative their reduced, active forms. It tightly regulates to maximize levels of glutathione along with its
Real Milk the production of hydrogen peroxide, which is a associated antioxidant and detoxification en-
brochures, valuable signaling compound in small amounts zymes. Preliminary evidence in humans suggests
contact the but which promotes oxidative destruction of the that the glutathione-boosting power of protein
maxes out at one gram of protein per kilogram of
cellular machinery in larger amounts. Glutathi-
Foundation at one quickly neutralizes lipid peroxides—nasty, body weight per day and 24 milligrams of sulfur
(202) dangerous breakdown products of the delicate amino acids per day. For someone who weighs
363-4394. and precious polyunsaturated fatty acids found in 110 pounds, this is 50 grams of protein per day;
Check out our our cell membranes. On top of all these antioxi- for someone who weighs 150 pounds, it’s about
website, dant functions, our cells use glutathione to make 70 grams of protein per day, and for someone who
drugs and toxic chemicals more water-soluble weighs 180 pounds, it’s about 80 grams of protein
www. so they can be excreted. Without glutathione, per day. Consuming this amount of protein from the antioxidant system breaks down, and toxic virtually any mix of whole foods will satisfy the
for additional chemicals hang around to wreak havoc in our requirement for sulfur amino acids.
information cells and tissues. Excess cysteine, in fact, when consumed as a
and sources free amino acid, can actually deplete glutathione
of Real Milk PROTEIN: GREAT BUT NOT ENOUGH levels. Why? As it turns out, cysteine can be
Our bodies synthesize glutathione from toxic because of its vulnerability to oxidation.
products. protein. The most important amino acid needed Except in acidic environments like the digestive
70 Wise Traditions WINTER 2010
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