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whey proteins in the total milk fares even worse,  to the effects seen with 65 degrees C than those seen with 85 degrees C,
               as shown in Figure 2, “Total Whey Protein.”  then we can conclude that it destroys roughly 45 percent of the glutathione-
                   High-temperature short-time (HTST) pas-  boosting properties of milk. The undenatured whey protein that proved
               teurized milk had 30 percent less whey protein  useful for boosting glutathione and immune function in mice was pro-
               than raw milk, while UHT milk had a whopping  duced with a single round of “classical” pasteurization at 63 degrees C for
               80 percent less and sterilized milk had a igno-  30 minutes, which led to an even greater destruction of serum albumin,
               minious 87 percent less!                  resulting in a total loss of 52 percent of the whey’s glutathione-boosting
                   To make matters worse, heating milk also  power. The other whey proteins suffered even more heat damage during
               reduces the proportion of total whey protein  processing and failed to boost glutathione at all.
               represented by those magical yet delicate gluta-
               thione-boosting proteins. This next study, shown  HOW MUCH EXTRA GLUTATHIONE DOES RAW MILK PROVIDE?
               in Figure 3, did things the right way and used     What follows should be regarded as a very rough calculation that
               raw milk from one source and subjected the milk  relies on several unproven assumptions, including the following: a) that
               to different heat treatments. So we can without  the researchers’ hypothesis that the glutamyl-cysteine bonds are in fact
               hesitation chalk these differences up completely  responsible for the glutathione-boosting power of whey protein is true, b)
               to heat.                                  that the total body increase in glutathione was similar to the increase seen
                   Whey  protein  from  HTST  milk  has  22  in the tissues the researchers measured, and c) that raw, undenatured whey
               percent less beta-lactoglobulin than raw milk.  protein produces a similar response in people as it produces in mice. Whey
               If HTST also destroys 30 percent of the whey  protein has in fact been shown to increase glutathione status in people,
               protein, then a glass of pasteurized milk has 45  but for obvious reasons no one has ever dissected a human to analyze the
               percent less undenatured beta-lactoglobulin than  total amount of glutathione produced.
               a glass of raw milk.                          Relying on these imperfect assumptions, then, we can calculate that
                   While I had trouble finding a study that  each glass of raw milk provides about 9.3 milligrams of glutathione while
               quantified the effect of HTST (about 72 degrees  pasteurized milk provides only 4.5 milligrams. The comparison is illus-
               C for 15 seconds) on serum albumin, a second  trated in Figure 5.
               rigorous study showed that heating milk at only     Humans appear to make about 185 milligrams of glutathione per
               65 degrees C for 15 seconds slashed away 40  day when they meet the requirements for protein and sulfur amino acids.
               percent of the serum albumin while heating the  A “milk fast” on 1500 calories of raw milk per day would provide the
               milk at 85 degrees C for 30 seconds destroyed  requirement for protein and sulfur amino acids and supply an extra 100
               77 percent of it, as demonstrated in Figure 4.  milligrams of glutathione-boosting power. This should theoretically boost
                   If we give HTST the benefit of the doubt and  glutathione levels over 50 percent. It should not be surprising, then, that
               assume its destructive effects are more similar  such “milk fasts” have proved useful in the past for boosting immune

               Figure 1.                                              Figure 2.

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