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tract, cysteine rapidly oxidizes and generates free   RAW EGG WHITE: TRUSTY SIDEKICK?
                radicals that can wreak havoc on the delicate      The researchers searched over thirty publi-
                structures of our cells and tissues. Consequently,   cations identifying the sequences of edible plant
                our bodies don’t let free cysteine linger, and when   and animal proteins and concluded that the only
                we eat lots of it, we convert the excess to taurine   two types of protein in the food supply contain-
                and sulfate and get rid of it.            ing these unique bonds are whey proteins and
                    Never fear! There is more to the story than   egg white proteins. They observed the following:
                regular ol’ animal protein. Valiant, free-radical-     “It may also be noteworthy that from time
                wrestling, toxicant-thwarting raw milk and her   immemorial, whey from raw milk or undena-
                courageous army of raw food volunteers are here   tured raw egg white have been administered
                to rack up our glutathione points even higher.  to children and to the sick as prophylactic or
                                                          therapeutic measures in folk medicine.”
                UNDENATURED WHEY PROTEINS                     I have heard of a number of cases of people
                SAVE THE DAY                              benefiting from raw egg whites in their diet. It
                    In the late 1980s, a group of researchers from   should be noted, however, that raw egg whites
                the Montreal General Hospital Research Institute   contain substances that inhibit digestion and de-
                and McGill University compared the ability of   crease the availability of biotin. Some people may
                different proteins to stimulate immune function   benefit from their apparent glutathione-boosting
                in mice. They kept the level of protein constant   ability, and this may be especially important for
                at 20 percent, but varied the type of protein,   people who cannot tolerate milk, but in others
                testing casein, soy, wheat, corn, egg white, fish,   the risk of biotin deficiency or digestive troubles
                beef, spirulina, another alga called scenedesmus,   might outweigh this benefit. Intestinal flora
                and, finally, whey. The whey protein promoted   produce biotin, and egg yolks are loaded with
                better immune function than all of the other   it. Maintaining proper intestinal flora and eat-
                proteins, and it achieved this marvelous feat by   ing plenty of egg yolks may allow some people
                increasing the amount of glutathione available   to reap the benefits of raw egg whites if they do
                to the spleen, allowing the rapid multplication   not have trouble digesting them.
                of immune-enhancing white blood cells.
                    In 1991, however, these researchers stumbled   ATTACK OF ULTRA-HIGH
                upon a critical discovery: whey proteins only   TEMPERATURES
                boost glutathione status in their raw, undenatured      As milk is heated, the delicate whey proteins
                state. They made this discovery by complete   denature and start to associate with the casein
                accident when a shipment of whey protein from   fraction. Even the small amount of heat involved
                Denmark mysteriously lacked the glutathione-  in pasteurization decreases the whey protein  In 1991
                promoting activity of the preparation they had   concentration of milk, but ultra-high temperature   researchers
                been using before. So they put a number of whey   (UHT) pasteurization and sterilization cause   stumbled
                proteins to the test by feeding them to mice and   the worst declines. Figure 1 reflects data from a
                measuring the concentrations of glutathione in   study for which milk was purchased from sev- upon a
                their livers and hearts. Only their original prepa-  eral sources, each prepared in a different way. It   critical
                ration boosted glutathione status. What turned   shows the percentage of total protein in the milk   discovery:
                out to be the difference? Most of the products   represented by whey proteins. Since the different
                had undergone much more extensive heat treat-  milks were from different sources, the difference  whey proteins
                ment, causing two very delicate proteins, beta-  could reflect both the heat treatment and the fact   only boost
                lactoglobulin and serum albumin, to head for   that the milk came from different cows that may   glutathione
                the highway. These two proteins contain unique   have otherwise been treated differently. In any
                glutamyl-cysteine bonds that resist digestion   case, it suggests the pasteurized milk we buy at  status in
                and enter the blood stream intact. The glutamyl-  the store has much less whey protein than the   their raw,
                cysteine bond is two-thirds of a glutathione   raw milk we get from the farm.        undenatured
                molecule, and thus much more easily turned into      Since pasteurization decreases the total
                glutathione itself.                       protein content of the milk, the concentration of  state.

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