Page 58 - Winter2014
P. 58

Nutrition that      to Wi-Fi and other wireless devices. Thus it is  center of the axon, the axoplasm, contains a vis-

           supports the       important that all of us, and especially children,  cid intracellular fluid. Surrounding the axon is
                              restrict our use of cell phones and limit exposure  a myelin sheath, which is deposited by Schwann
       nerves protects        to background levels of Wi-Fi. Meanwhile, it is  cells in the peripheral nervous system and oligo-
         the part of the      imperative that government and industry dis-  dendrocyte cells in the central nervous system.
              body most       cover ways in which wireless devices can be used  These cells surround every sensory nerve, with
                              without such elevated risk of serious disease. We  or without a myelin sheath.
             affected by      need to educate decision-makers that ‘business     Schwann cells and oligodendrocyte cells lay
                     EMR.     as usual’ is unacceptable. The importance of this  down layers of cellular membrane that contain a
                              public health issue cannot be underestimated.”   lipid substance called sphingomyelin. Sphingo-
                                  Now for the good news! There is much that  myelin acts as an electrical insulator. It has an
                              can be done through the choices made three  important structural and functional purpose in
                              times a day, week after week, year after year,  all cells, especially in many signaling pathways.
                              in the foods we eat. In addition to minimizing  Sphingomyelin measures from 2 to 15 percent in
                              one’s personal exposure to devices that emit radio  most mammalian tissues and is found in higher
                              frequencies, the foods we choose to consume  concentrations in nerve tissues, red blood cells,
                              have the ability to shore up the integrity of our  and ocular lenses. It is an important phospho-
                              cells, which are most vulnerable to damage by  lipid, dependent upon phosphocholine, serine,
                              constant exposure to EMR. It is my experience  and carnitine.
                              as a health practitioner that the right diet can     Phosphocholine is an intermediate in the
                              help reduce symptoms in those with electrical  synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. It is needed
                              sensitivity.                               for cellular metabolism in all cells, as well as for
                                                                         immune support. When injury to a cell occurs,
                              A HEALTHY NERVOUS SYSTEM                   C-reactive protein binds with phosphocholine.
                                  Let’s have a quick review of our nervous  This process begins the immunological response
                              system, the part of the body that seems to be most  by phagocytes. Phosphocholine is abundant in
                              affected by EMR. The central core of the nerve  hens’ eggs. Choline must be consumed in the
                              fiber is the axon. The membrane of the axon is  diet to maintain good health.  The best source
                              what actually conducts the action potential. The  of choline is egg yolks.

                                                BEEF OR LAMB BONE BROTH
          4-5 pounds of bone marrow and knucklebones        1 teaspoon dried peppercorns, crushed
          3 pounds of meaty ribs or neck bones              Bouquet garni (tie together using cooking twine)
          1 calf’s foot, if available, cut into pieces (optional)  •   fresh bay leaf
          4 or more quarts of purified water                    •   fresh thyme
          2 teaspoons Celtic sea salt                           •   fresh rosemary
          4 ounces raw apple cider vinegar                      •   fresh sage
          Assortment of vegetables, as desired              Parsley, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking
             •   1-2 medium yellow onions
             •   2-4 carrots
             •   3-4 celery stalks

              Place the bones, meat and joints into a large pot. You may roast the meaty bones in a pan in an oven at 350°F for extra
          flavor. Place these in the pot. Add remaining ingredients, except for parsley. Fill pot with purified water. Allow the pot and
          its contents to stand for 60 minutes, giving the raw apple cider vinegar time to draw minerals out of the bones. Bring to a
          boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer; remove scum that has risen to the surface and cook for 3 to 4 hours. Remove the meat
          and reserve for soup. Continue to simmer for a total of 48 to 72 hours. Add parsley during the last 10 minutes of cooking.
          Once broth has cooled, pour into containers for refrigerating or freezing. Glass is ideal for storing food. If freezing in glass,
          be sure to leave two inches of air space between the top of the liquid and the lid. When defrosting frozen stock do not run
          hot water over frozen glass.
         54                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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