Page 61 - Winter2014
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According to the 2015 DGAC, eggs, meat,  das, and the influence of interested industries. 4,5   Americans
          butter and full-fat dairy are still to be limited or  This entrenchment has resulted in millions of
          eliminated from the diet altogether. Consumption  U.S. taxpayer dollars spent on nutrition poli-  will now be
          of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lowfat or  cies, programs and practices that do not result in  allowed to
          no-fat dairy, fish, and lean cuts of poultry are  good health, while the very same taxpayers are   consume
          encouraged, and, with restrictions on fat intake  expected to shoulder the blame for these negative
          relaxed, Americans will now be allowed to con-  outcomes.                            even more
          sume even more vegetable oil than before.                                            vegetable oil
              While the 2015 DGAC has acknowledged  HISTORY OF THE DGA                         than before.
          that when Americans replaced dietary fat with     When the first national nutrition recom-
          starches and sugars obesity rates climbed, there  mendations for the prevention of chronic disease,
          has been no recognition of the relationship  the 1977 Dietary Goals for Americans, were
          between this phenomenon and DGA guidance.  originally proposed, not only was the content
          Rather, the implication remains that high rates  of the recommendations hotly debated, the very
          of being overweight and obese in America are  concept of one-size-fits-all, population-wide
          due to the fact that Americans have simply failed  dietary advice was itself highly controversial.
          to comply with what the U.S. Departments of  The 1977 Dietary Goals introduced a diet―high
          Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human  in grains and cereals and low in fat, with few
          Services (DHHS)―the two government agencies  animal products, and vegetable oils substituting
          in charge of the DGA―have determined is best  for animal fats―that was an extreme departure
          for the public. “Poor diet and physical inactivity  from what Americans were then eating. Not only
          are the most important factors contributing to  was the diet recommended by the 1977 Goals a
          an epidemic of overweight,”  not poor dietary  radical change for many Americans, the very idea
          recommendations based on inadequate science.  that the federal government could know what
                                                    foods were best for any given individual was a
          A PRIMARY MISCONCEPTION                   dramatic shift in how public health nutrition was
              In fact, a primary misconception in public  understood and administered.
          health nutrition is that current national nutrition     Before the 1977 Goals were created, the
          polices are based on scientific agreement about  determination of which foods were “good” for
          what constitutes a healthy diet. However from  you and which were “bad” was located within
          the beginning, federal dietary guidance has been  the family and community, rather than with the
          based more on ideology, including romantic no-  government. Packaged food did not carry a nu-
          tions of returning to a “natural” way of eating,  trition label, and government dietary guidance
          than science. Although nutrition science has  focused on acquisition of adequate essential
          changed dramatically in the thirty-five years  nutrition, rather than the avoidance of foods that
          since the first national dietary recommendations  might cause chronic disease. Despite the lack of
          were issued, the recommendations themselves  government guidance on how to prevent chronic
          have remained virtually unchanged. The histori-  disease through nutrition, heart disease rates had
          cal and cultural influences behind federal dietary  been decreasing in America since 1968,  and in
          recommendations, their controversies and their  1975, less than 15 percent of the population was
          consequences, warrant a close critical examina-  considered obese.
          tion. They demonstrate that although science and     In many regards, the health of Americans in
          policy perform very different functions, they can  the 1970s had never been better. However, con-
          be mutually reinforcing. Though this does serve  cerns about “lifestyle-related” diseases perme-
          to make science more political, it does not make  ated the consciousness of much of middle class
          policy more scientific.                   America, and food manufacturers responded
              A cascade of unintended consequences has  accordingly. The American Heart Association
          resulted from those original dietary recommen-  (AHA) had created a national platform for a
          dations, guidance that remains entrenched, held  theory proposed by a physiologist named Ancel
          in place by politics, ideology, institutional agen-  Keys, which asserted that dietary fat—espe-
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