Page 79 - Winter2014
P. 79

All Thumbs Book Reviews

          Mad in America:                           insanity” in the 1890s was commonly “cured”
          Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring  by removing the uterus or amputating parts of
          Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill          the female anatomy.
          by Robert Whitaker                            Mentally ill patients were also treated with
          Basic Books, 2nd edition                  powerful purges, emetics (to induce vomiting),
                                                    mercury and blistering of the skull with mustard
              Well  written  and  researched,  Mad in  powders. Injections with such things as animal
          America is the first of two books that journalist  parts, sheep extract, horse serum, arsenic, strych-
          Robert Whitaker has written about mental ill-  nine, toxic chemicals, and malaria serum were
          ness. Whitaker has won numerous awards for his  common treatments. Removing various body
          work on medicine and science. Here his graphic  parts and teeth because of “hidden infections”
          description of the treatment of the mentally ill  caused death in nearly 43 percent of patients.
          from the late 1700s up until the present day is     Submersing the patient in waterfalls, pum-
          riveting, spell-binding, and sometimes unbeliev-  meling him with painful blasts of water, dropping
          able.                                     him or her into a deep tub of cold water (“Bath
              Back in the 1700s the mentally ill were  of Surprise”), near drowning in the “Chinese
          institutionally housed in unheated, dingy cells,  Temple,” and the use of swinging chairs were
          confined in chains, and displayed for public  considered effective “medical” treatments. Co-
          amusement.  These “lunatics,”  “brutes,” and  pious bloodletting, as well as creating wounds
          “wild beasts” needed to be subdued and kept  and keeping them open for months to induce a
          fearful of their captors.                 permanent discharge (to “let out” the insanity)
              Private asylums in England, which were  were also commonly employed.
          owned by doctors, were known to be places     Yet, despite the inhumanity of these early
          where husbands could get rid of annoying wives  procedures, the “darkest era in the treatment of
          or relatives. Physicians became the sole arbiters  the mentally ill” was the period between 1900
          to determine the diagnosis of insanity and some  and 1950. The eugenics movement arising in the
          became quite wealthy at their “practice.” The  late 1800s set the stage for the development of
          number of madhouses soon doubled and insanity  further inhumane psychiatric treatments. Eugen-
          became a common condition. Women were often  ics proponents judged the mentally ill as “societal
          the victim of “asylum medicine,” and “female  wastage” and the product of a “defective germ

          EMR. You can call an electrician to fix wiring  that may not be all they are cracked up to be. Filters that plug into outlets
          flaws. You can change from wireless Internet  generally don’t work and can make things worse. Installing shielding in
          to cabled connections. Get rid of fluorescent  a room can work if it is done right. It is hard for an amateur to do right
          lights and use old-fashioned incandescent bulbs  and if it isn’t, it may amplify the radiation in the room. Singer includes
          if you can still get them, or use LED bulbs. You  websites that help you sort out what works and what doesn’t.
          can give up some or all of your electronic toys.     The suggestions for what government agencies should conscionably
          I know some people would be more offended  and justly do are also good. However, since our government is bought and
          by this advice than if I had suggested they drop  controlled by big corporations, I personally am not highly optimistic that
          dead and their dog, too. Yet all I can say is if you  things will change quickly there. This is one case where I would be happy
          value your toys more than your health, you will  to see someone prove me wrong. If you feel inspired to do that I truly wish
          have health consequences to contend with one  you luck. I will give you a free thumbs up for that. This book also gets a
          day. That is your choice.                 t  h  u  m  b  s     U  P  .
              Singer also warns about popular solutions                                         Review by Tim Boyd
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