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carbonica 200C. In Dr. P.S. Rawat’s book, A  tion. Recalling that homeopathy is based on the aphorism “like cures like,”
          Homeopathic Treatise on Homeopathic Help,  we look to the ability of other stimulants that are known to cause such
          Research, and Allied Work, Calcarea carb “re-  symptoms in their crude form and consider remedies derived from those
          moves not only the anemic condition, but also  substances which when homeopathically potentized, become a medicine
          corrects delayed menses and favors conception.”  capable of relieving those same symptoms. Hence, we must examine the
          The author offers no specific cause for the disor-  homeopathic medicine Coffea 200C, which is made from coffee but diluted
          der. Instead, the simple diagnosis of infertility is  two hundred times to the hundredth power. Its ability to relieve symptoms
          enough information to consider this medicine of  of sleeplessness, mental agitation and unusual activity of body and mind
          value with this complaint.                is unmatched. When it is time to rest, the sufferer is full of ideas, quick to
              Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji in their  act, is unable to drop into sleep. When Coffea 200C is taken twice daily
          book The Banerji Protocol offer a chart that in-  for days or weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms, it has been
          cludes fertility and sterility with regard to toxic  shown to relieve these exalted sensibilities. Remember this method not
          radiation. It presents Aurum metallicum 200C for  only for these sorts of sensations in relation to EMR but also when they
          men while for women Calcarea carbonica 200C  occur regardless of the cause. Coffea 200C, taken about an hour before
          is indicated. Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji use  bedtime, has put many an insomniac to sleep without the associated toxic
          Aurum metallicum routinely for nearly all cases  properties of narcotics.
          of male infertility problems as well as erectile      Interestingly, members of my family are dealing with an EMR problem
          dysfunction and Calcarea carbonica for any  in the home where our adult children live. There is a strong electromag-
          cases of infertility in women.            netic field adjacent to one of the bedrooms. We know its origin and have
                                                    noted a few solutions, but the cost for remediation is prohibitive. So while
          CHANGES IN RED BLOOD CELLS                we’re working on a second shielding solution and while our sons have
              Another concern with EMR exposure is  neither apparent illness nor conditions, this is what we’re doing to protect
          hematological changes, which have been ob-  them. They take Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur) 6x mixed with Calcarea
          served in mice. When the red blood cells show  fluoridica (Calc fluor) 12x, twice daily. Natrum muriaticum and Calcarea
          pathological deviations, (again, regardless of  fluoridica are cell salts, a sub-category of homeopathy that encompasses
          the cause) one homeopathic course of action is  nutrients (minerals) and enhances the body’s ability to absorb nutrition.
          Hamamelis virginica 200C and Arnica montana  There are no data of which I am aware that prove that these two cell salts
          3C. The Drs. Banerji consider this to be the first  have protected humans or animals from EMR. However it is my profes-
          line of defense when this disorder appears. After  sional deduction that they may do so based on my knowledge of the char-
          having worked in a fellowship for two years in the  acteristics of each. Of course our sons also consume bone stock as well
          Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Founda-  as raw milk, kombucha and raw butter nearly every day.
          tion in Calcutta and observed and recorded over     It might be difficult to prove that any of these conditions is related to
          fifty-five hundred cases, I witnessed incidents  EMR. One of the most engaging aspects of homeopathy is that knowing
          in which their method of using these medicines  the origin of the condition is not always necessary. So whether the condi-
          showed noteworthy success. The method is to use  tion results from pesticide exposure, electromagnetic radiation, poor diet,
          the two remedies mixed together and taken daily  inherited tendencies, or even the ill effects of disappointed puppy love, we
          for about six to eight weeks, thereafter assessing  can usually depend on symptoms and a diagnosis to direct the treatment
          the status of the patient. Based on their one hun-  and count on homeopathy as a viable method with profound and reproduc-
          dred twenty years of observations accumulated  ible results.
          throughout this distinguished Banerji lineage of
          several generations of homeopathic physicians,     Cure your family yourself with homeopathy. Join Joette for inspira-
          the protocol above has proved successful in about  tion and homeo-information with the research section of her blog www.
          80 percent of patients with an abnormal red blood but most importantly free blog articles with
          cell count.                               the sole intention of helping you and your family. Read it today and treat
                                                    your family this weekend by using the search function to find homeopathic
          INSOMNIA                                  solutions to many ills and conditions. Visit or
              No discussion of the ill effects of EMR  call (716) 941-1045 to determine whether you’d like to work with Joette
          would be complete without a look at the neu-  directly.
          rological effects of exposure. One of the most
          common complaints is sleeplessness and agita-
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