Page 72 - Winter2014
P. 72

                                 Technology as Servant
                                                    By John Moody

                                  There are many reasons to mourn the  is worthwhile, especially for city dwellers whose
                              scourges of the modern age. The widespread  water is already tested at the water treatment
                              contamination of our land, air and water is one  facility. A lot can happen to water between the
                              of them. There is almost no source of sweet water  water treatment plant and the tap in your home.
                              anywhere on our planet that is not tainted by our  It is no myth that America's highly complex
                              trashing of this good terra. Some places—known  infrastructure is failing and falling apart. Un-
                              as hypoxic zones—are so badly polluted that  derground pipes of all sorts are corroded and
                              they have become giant, seasonal dead regions  decaying. Sewer systems in many cities are
                              at the end of agricultural and industrial runoff  ineffective and dangerous.
                              areas. Gargantuan garbage patches have blos-     For older homes, pipes may contain unsafe
                              somed on the oceans that make Texas look tiny.  metal mixes or soldering, or have other faults
                              The high mountain glaciers on the North Pole  that render the drinking water that flows through
                              and across the globe test positive for all sorts of  them dangerous to consume over time. For
                              industrial contaminants, even though they are  those who depend upon well water, contamina-
                              geographically many thousands of miles from  tion from conventional agricultural practices
                              active industrial sites.                   is a genuine concern, as is the possibility that
                                  The number of nasties that may now be  the underlying geology may allow potentially
                              found in our drinking water, whether from rural  dangerous compounds, which are unwanted and
                              wells or municipal treatment plants, is large. This  possibly harmful, to leach into the water.
                              toxic brew includes agriculture chemicals such
                              as pesticides, herbicides, and excess nitrates and  HOW TO TEST WITH THE BEST
                              nitrites from synthetic fertilizers. Pharmaceuti-     The first question to ask is which elements
                              cal chemicals and residues—from antibiotics to  or contaminants you want to test for in your
                              antidepressants to digestion-altering medica-  water. Many manufacturers answer this question
                              tions—are detectable in even so-called treated  for you with test kits tailored to particular situ-
                              water. Industrial chemicals of all sorts, from  ations. Such basic tests, unless you have a need
                              heavy metals to hazardous petroleum and syn-  to test for specific additional contaminants, are
                              thetic compounds along with their byproducts,  a great starting place. Most basic test kits do not
                              abound.                                    test for arsenic, however, which is one of the few
                                  It is a fact that we can't live without water,  additional tests worth carrying out at least once
                 The first    yet it seems that we also can't live with it. What  for your home’s water supply.

             question to      are we to do?                                 Also, for city dwellers it is also a good idea to
                                  At the very least, the technological advances  compare your home test results to those provided

             ask is what  of the modern age also make it possible for people  by the municipal water service. Generally, the
            elements or       at home to take the initiative and test their water  water company releases yearly test results, and
          contaminants        to discover what protective steps they and their  many now post them online. Any differences
                              families should take to improve the quality of  may be very helpful in identifying problems in
            you want to  their drinking water and to remove its impurities.  your household pipes or the water distribution
               test for in                                               system in general, and a group of families could
             your water.      THIS IS A TEST                             compare results for further fun and research.

                                  It is worth explaining why testing your water  Also, the older a home or well water system,
         68                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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