Page 73 - Winter2014
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the more thorough the testing should be. Pipes  and after various types of filtering and filter
          corrode over time, releasing greater and greater  changes, at different taps and spigots around
          amounts of metals into the water. Sometimes  your home, property, farm, and so on. Such in-
          older pipes were made or soldered together with  formation can be helpful when trying to locate
          unsafe mixtures of metals.                trouble spots or to see whether a water filtration
                                                    unit is working properly or needs maintenance
          SOLID AS ROCK: TDS METERS                 or replacement.
              The first test that is worth performing and
          piece of equipment worth owning is a “total dis-  TEST IT YOURSELF
          solved solids” (also called a TDS) meter. These     After TDS testing, the next step is a basic
          tiny little tools quickly ascertain a water sample's  home or well water test kit. Just as advances in
          dissolved solids content, generally measured in  technology are revolutionizing small farm food
          parts per million. They are also useful for people  safety, home testing of water and air are also
          who, for example, make their own colloidal sil-  improving rapidly and dropping significantly in
          ver, engage in aquaponics, maintain swimming  cost. What once could only be performed in a
          pools, or need to check the performance of a  lab for a few hundred dollars can now be done
          water filter, and so this little tool has manifold  on your kitchen counter for thirty dollars or less.
          possible uses.                                Test kits come in a wide variety of setups
              Dissolved solids are generally an indication  and stand-alone options. Some companies wisely
          of the hardness or softness of a home's water  differentiate between the needs of city dwellers
          supply and its overall condition. If you know  and homesteaders and farmers or others who
          the underlying geology (limestone versus other  are on well or spring water sources, by tailoring
          types of rock) of your water supply, the TDS  their kits to each user. For stand-alone test kits,
          meter coupled with some common sense will  most merely overlap with what a basic home or
          give you a good idea as to which minerals, such  well water test will already cover. The exceptions
          as calcium and magnesium, are in your water.   are tests for arsenic and lead, though many well
              These meters are reusable, allowing you to  water test kits will test for lead. Both tests are
          test your water across seasonal changes, before  worth running if they are not included with your
                                                    basic test kit.

                                      MOODY WELL WATER TEST RESULTS COMPARISON
            Brand                    Water Safe               PurTest                 SenSafe
            Total Nitrate/Nitrites   0.5                      .5                      Unable to determine result
            Nitrite                  0-0.15                   0 -.5                   0-.2
            Iron                     Zero                     .3 - .5                 .3
            Copper                   0-0.5                    Hard to read            0-.1
            Lead                     Negative                 Negative                X
            Pesticides               Negative                 Negative                X
            Bacteria                 Negative                 Negative                Negative
            Hardness (pH)            8.5-10                   9                       8.5-9.5
            Hardness (ppm)           250-425                  400                     425
            Total Chlorine           0                        X                       0
            Alkalinity               X                        180-240                 500
            Chloride (ppm)           X                        X                       Below 250
            Free Chlorine            X                        X                       0-0.05
            Sulfate                  X                        X                       Less than 250
            Hydrogen Sulfide         X                        X                       0

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