Page 78 - Winter2014
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the    Cognitive deterioration in these people resembles
                              Dangers and Creating Safe Limits           that of head injury victims.
                              by Katie Singer                               And then there is a sore subject I have
                              Portal Books, 2014                         brought up before. Nobody has shot me yet so I’m
                                                                         going to tempt fate and do it again. The subject is
                                  Many people may be doing everything  cell phones. A Swedish study found that for every
                              “right” to protect their health in terms of diet,  one hundred hours of cell phone use, the risk of
                              exercise and avoiding toxic chemicals. They get  cancer increases 5 percent. For every year of use,
                              enough good fat, avoid trans fats, avoid junk in  the cancer risk increases 8 percent. After two or
                              general and eat nutrient-dense food. They are  three thousand hours of cumulative analog cell
                              careful about chemicals in hygiene products and  phone use, the cancer risk is 490 percent greater.
                              tap water. They do everything right but. . . they     Digital “smart” phones generate more radia-
                              still have some nagging health problem. Why?  tion than analog phones. If you raise the question
                              This book may answer that question. It covers  of safety with any large agency the standard
                              the subject of electromagnetic radiation (EMR)  response is usually something about the devices
                              very thoroughly.                           meeting FCC guidelines. Somewhere implied in
                                  The average man on the street is still very  all that is the assumption that only evil heretics
                              skeptical that radiation from our electronic toys  would question the omniscience of any govern-
                              could be harmful. Katie Singer pulls information  ment agency, including the FCC. One thing to
                              from many sources, some of which I’m familiar  keep in mind is that the FCC only considers
                              with and have even reviewed before, so I know  whether a device works and whether or not its
                              she is not making things up.               signals interfere with any other signals the FCC
                                  The short list of things that produce unsafe  deems important. Signals inside your own body
                              levels of EMR includes just about any digital or  that keep you healthy are not important in this
                              wireless item (computers, cell phones, Internet  context and consequently don’t matter. The FCC
                              routers, TVs), fluorescent and compact fluores-  is not a health agency. That is not their job and
                              cent lights, dimmer switches, faulty home wir-  they don’t care. Any testing done by other agen-
                              ing, battery rechargers, and digital smart meters.  cies has only been done for large healthy males.
                              Nearly all microwave ovens leak. Some items  Testing has not been done for women, children,
                              like computers have power supplies that can  the aged or the handicapped.
                              generate EMR even when turned off, if they     So whose job is it to protect citizens’ health
                              are plugged in. If you want to get off the grid  and safety? Officially, it is the FDA’s job, but
            The average       completely you should know that solar power  they don’t have funding for that. They seem to
            man on the        systems can generate a lot of noise also.  have plenty of money to shut down small farms

                                  The next question is what kind of health  that aren’t hurting anybody but no money for
                  street is   effects result from these things. The short list is  this.
                 still very   Alzheimer’s, diabetes, psoriasis, insomnia, can-     Singer’s message is not all doom and gloom.
          skeptical that      cer, leukemia, ADHD and vision problems. South  She does fill a chapter with proposed solutions

         radiation from       Korea may be the most connected country in the  to the problem. They fall into two general cat-
                              world at the moment. Doctors there have come  egories—what you can do yourself and what
         our electronic       up with a term for a condition they call “digital  government agencies can or should do. There are
          toys could be       dementia.” Young people in particular have be-  many good ideas for what you can do yourself.
                              come so dependent on their digital crutches that  There are cheap ways of turning an AM radio
                 harmful.     they can’t remember their own phone number.  into a noise detector to track down sources of
         74                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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