Page 76 - Winter2014
P. 76
Homeopathy Journal
By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)
When I was twelve my cousin’s family in- be eliminated or reduced, for certainly the more
vited their neighbor, a boy about my age, to our information we obtain, the better our decisions
annual family picnic. He was a handsome boy, and actions. Yet with the homeopathic approach,
but that night when we all gathered on the beach, this is not always necessary. For example, recog-
I saw him intentionally throw a rock at a toad and nizing that a child has whooping cough can offer
kill it. I was horrified and confused. Was he a a shortcut to the correct homeopathic medicine,
heavenly vision of perfection or an evil monster? but listening to the sound of the cough will also
The discrepancy between what I imagined him to indicate that an appropriate remedy choice would
be and what he really was tore at me so strongly likely be Ipecac or Cuprum metallicum, both of
that it was almost painful. I’d gone through such which happen to be documented matches for
a push and pull of strong emotions all in one day. whooping cough. Regardless of the path traveled
In spite of the By the time we headed home that night, I decided to fend off the illness, the correct remedy will
fact that the I hated him. abort the cough and bring the sufferer to comple-
This little tale of youthful infatuation dashed tion of the disease in a relatively short time.
homeopathic by disappointment is not unlike our modern day
method was love affair with the latest mesmerizing offer- INFERTILITY
discovered ings of advanced technology. We are so easily With homeopathy in mind, let’s look at the
seduced by their glittering attributes, and come consequences of the effects of EMR on a most
and codified to worship their convenience and ease of use distressing condition and one that is related to
long before so that we are convinced we can’t live without the condition of human reproduction: infertility
manmade them. Yet once we discover the disturbing dark and sterility.
Aurum metallicum 200C is a remedy con-
sides of technological “advances” that we have
electro- permitted ourselves to trust too naively, we can firmed in its efficacy in supporting the male
magnetic hate them nearly as much. reproductive system. It has historically shored
Yet a solution to this conundrum is close at up masculine vigor and returned a low sperm
radiation hand. In spite of the fact that the homeopathic count to a level that is swimmingly adroit. How
had become method was discovered and codified long before do we know this? To start, we have over two
a common manmade electromagnetic radiation had become hundred years of cumulative clinical knowledge
force in our a common force in our lives, this resource never- and experience of success with Aurum metalli-
theless offers us today rechargeable solutions to cum for this condition. The Concordant Materia
lives, this our modern EMR pollution problems. Probably Medica by Frans Vermuelen states the following
resource what makes homeopathy so pertinent in a discus- effects of Aurum metallicum: “addresses orchitis
nevertheless sion of the subject of electrical pollution is that it [inflammation of testicles], atrophy of testicles,
is not necessarily etiologically specific. That is, and epididymitis [inflammation of the tube that
offers us its value is explicit to the symptoms and char- connects the testicle with the vas deferens].”
today acteristic signs of illness, not necessarily to the From our perspective with the WAPF di-
rechargeable cause of the illness. Hence we needn’t discover etary guidelines, we also know that some of the
the sometimes elusive sources of electromagnetic reproductive conditions that men suffer may be
solutions to pollution in order to ascertain the remedy choice. a result of eating a steady diet of soy, from expo-
our modern This method provides freedom from costly and sure to pesticides, or simply due to an unknown
EMR pollution time-consuming tests and speculation. hormonal imbalance.
For young women, infertility is often
At the same time this does not mean that
problems. we shouldn’t search for the cause so that it can addressed homeopathically with Calcarea
72 Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions
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