Page 74 - Winter2014
P. 74

If your water      PUT TO THE TEST                            quested quotes from want around four hundred
                                  One major difference between home tests  dollars for what National Labs does for $130,
           tests positive       and laboratory tests is the format of the results.  plus the cost of shipping the original sample to
          for pathogens       Labs generally will provide exact parts per mil-  the lab (another twenty dollars or so at most).
            and you are       lion (ppm) or similar precise results. Home test  That is a significant savings, to say the least, for
          on well water       kits will provide far more general results, usu-  a full panel of tests (one hundred and thirty or
                              ally in a color-coded format for ease of reading.  so individual items tested for).
              or another      Some results will come back only as a negative
           groundwater        or positive, using the EPA guidelines or some  GENERAL NOTES ON TEST KITS
           source, your       other standard.                               The various test kits we sampled were very
                                  Depending on your results, you may have  similar. Many of the tests strips, such as for lead

                well may      nothing to do, a lot to do, or more testing to  and pesticides, were identical from kit to kit, even
             need to be       do. For instance, if your water tests positive for  down to the packaging. Some had small differ-
             serviced or      pathogens, and you are on well water or another  ences, such as putting multiple tests onto a single
                                                                         test strip rather than each test on a single strip.
                              groundwater source, your well may need servic-
                  treated.    ing or treatment, something that may require     For all the test kits, reading the directions
                              a professional if you are unsure how to make  twice before actually performing the tests is rec-
                              repairs safely and effectively. It may also point  ommended. Many of the tests are time-sensitive,
                              to a management issue with your animals on  so you want to know the time frame for each test
                              your farm or homestead that needs addressing.  before you actually start it. Also, having a stop
                              Testing thus points to the presence of possible  watch or other timer is useful and important since
                              or real problems but won't always pinpoint the  both the exposure-to-water segment of the test
                              problem's origin.                          and resulting development are constrained to
                                                                         particular time windows. For some tests, these
                              BEYOND HOME TESTING                        are quite specific and short. Also, if you are color
                                  If home tests or other extenuating cir-  challenged (like me!), having an extra person or
                              cumstances show a need for additional testing,  two to read the color charts and color-match the
                              professional testing is the next step. Several  results is certainly wise.
                              companies offer more complete testing, covering     The Sensafe Complete Home Water Quality
                              one hundred to two hundred individual chemicals  Test Kit at $29 (, is the most
                              and contaminants. Getting a full panel on your  complete test kit of those we sampled. It is also
                              water every so often is a worthwhile investment,  most compact in size, while containing twenty-
                              especially if there are any reasons for concern.  five total tests (twelve parameters with two tests
                              The cost of such advanced testing varies greatly,  for each, and a single bacterial coliform test).
                              so comparing pricing and tests included between     The insert helpfully contains a place to
                              local and national labs is prudent, as you may end  record your results next to the sensitivity ranges
                              up paying half as much for twice the testing by  of the test and other data. However, the test
                              shopping around and shipping water samples.  color guide and insert are very small in size and
                                  For instance, in our area the labs we re-  print. The four-in-one water test strip asks you

               The Sensafe stand-alone arsenic test revealed 0 ppb (parts per billion).

               HM Digital provided three TDS meters for us to try. We tested the water at the well house and then at various spigots
           around the house itself. All came back in the 400-450 ppm range, confirming the kit test results. Interestingly, our one
           water filter returned results that were higher after filtering than before, something we will be looking into further.
               Reflecting on the test results we must accede to the fact that our water is so hard that it makes the Man of Steel
           seem soft and Ironman rather jealous. The various test kits merely confirmed what we already knew from observing our
           homestead's plumbing problems and knowing the geology and soil of our area. The solution for us will be to move over
           to rain catchment or city water if it becomes available, as we have concerns about water softeners.
         70                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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