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public has already been subject to the unintended sential nutrition from wholesome, nourishing foods would not only provide
effects of policy established by the USDA and the foundation for good health, they would finally provide what has been
DHHS without the support of sufficient evidence. missing from the past thirty-five years of federal nutrition policy: dietary
The world simply cannot withstand the conse- guidance that works―for all Americans.
quences if the DGA’s impact on the environment
is similar to its impact on obesity and chronic Adele Hite is director and co-founder of Healthy Nation Coalition, a non-
disease. profit health advocacy organization dedicated to health for all through
equitable access to food and knowledge. She is also a registered dietitian
WHAT CAN BE DONE INSTEAD? and PhD candidate in communication, rhetoric, and digital media at North
In 1977, the Dietary Goals presented a single Carolina State University. She has master's degrees in English education
perspective on food and health to the public as and public health nutrition and has pursued graduate studies in nutrition
if it were a commonsense approach to nutrition epidemiology. Her current research involves a critical examination of the
grounded firmly in science and applicable to all U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Americans. This was not the case. However,
there is such an approach available to the lead- REFERENCES
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