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All Thumbs Book Reviews
Vaccination is Not Immunization: A. Price Foundation. (You could be watching
The War on Children SpongeBob SquarePants instead.) In fact, if
By Tim O’Shea you believe any grandstanding celebrity on
Immunition Ltd this topic, go back to SpongeBob and leave this
subject to the adults.
Vaccination continues to be a hot topic, and The pharmaceutical industry controls all of
more books come out on the subject every year. the mainstream media. Another popular source
If your mind is already made up, then there is of information, the Centers for Disease Control
nothing anyone can do about that, but for those and Prevention (CDC), owns over fifty vaccine
whose minds are still open, this book by Tim patents. If you blindly believe anything the CDC
O’Shea is a good place to start. It is not pain- says, you might want to spend some time study-
fully long but is packed with information on ing conflicts of interest and how they contami-
every angle of the topic. For me to completely nate information. Your average doctor knows
summarize this two-hundred-page book would what the pharmaceutical industry wants him
probably take more than one hundred fifty or her to know—and very little more. O’Shea
pages, yet it is very concise, to the point and mentions that the Physicians’ Desk Reference
information-dense. So I will cover what I con- (PDR) used to be an extensive source of solid
sider the highest of the highlights. information, but that information has disap-
In any disagreement, one of the most peared in the most recent versions of the PDR.
important issues to address first is who your At least some vaccines are now using con-
sources are and why you believe them. If you tinuous cell lines—cells that essentially never
only believe information you hear from some die—in vaccine production. Some people be-
hairdo on CNN/CBS/ABC/NBC/Fox…then I lieve there could be a connection between that
have to wonder why you are wasting precious and cancer cells, which also don’t die as they
time reading anything published by the Weston should. When I was very young in the 1960s,
BOOK REVIEWS IN Wise Traditions
The Weston A. Price Foundation receives two or three books per week, all of course seeking a Thumbs Up review.
What are the criteria we use for choosing a book to review, and for giving a Thumbs Up?
• First and foremost, we are looking for books that add to the WAPF message. Dietary advice should incorporate the
WAPF guidelines while adding new insights, new discoveries and/or new therapies.
• We are especially interested in books on the fat-soluble vitamins, traditional food preparation methods and healing
protocols based on the WAPF dietary principles.
• We look for consistency. If you talk about toxins in vaccines in one part of your book, but say you are not against
vaccines in another part of your book, or praise fat in your text but include recipes featuring lean meat, we are
unlikely to review it.
• We do not like to give Thumbs Down reviews. If we do not agree with the major tenets expounded in a book sent
to us, we will just not review it. However, we feel that we have an obligation to point out the problems in influential
or bestselling books that peddle misinformation, and for these we will give a negative review. We also will give a
negative review to any book that misrepresents the findings of Weston A. Price.
• If you want us to review your book, please do not send it as an email attachment. Have the courtesy to send us a
hard copy book or a printout of your ebook or manuscript in a coil binding.
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