Page 78 - Winter2017
P. 78

“If all of these     phrases found in these stories. Sadly, all of these  for Attacking Teachers.”

           stories we’re      sick and disabled children are changing what     Many articles talk about in-school brutal-
                              we’ve always thought of as public education, and  ity on teachers as well. According to one story:
          talking about       it’s not only a disaster for students and teachers,  Sept. 25. 2017, Brampton Guardian titled: “Vio-
               aren’t the     it’s breaking the budget. Schools everywhere  lent Attacks on Teachers: ‘I’m Afraid to Go into
           result of our      are in crisis, scrambling to find money to pay  the Classroom,’” there were seven thousand
                              for infrastructure and services, as evidenced  student attacks on teachers in the Regional Mu-
         out-of-control       in articles in Great Britain and Scotland. Jan.  nicipality of Peel, Canada, last year. The article
              vaccinate-      23, 2017, BBC News: “School Budgets Near  states, “teachers are wearing protective gear”
            every-child-      Breaking Point, say Head Teachers.” Aug. 18,  and “elementary school attacks include teachers
                              2017, (U.K.) Scottish Sun: “Over 650 Families  being bitten, kicked, scratched, punched and
               over-and-      in Limbo After Virtual Autism Support Service  threatened.”

           over vaccine       in Perth Forced to Close Immediately.”       In Britain and Ireland, there have been huge
               schedule,          “What’s happening in our schools—the ex-  increases in the number of students permanently
                              plosion in special needs students, out-of-district  excluded from school. Oct. 18, 2017, UK Daily
              please tell     placements, more and more one-on-one-aides,  Mail: “Unofficial Exclusions Used too Readily
           me what is.”       newly added in-school clinics and mental health  to Deal with Special Needs Pupils.” Report-

          Anne Dachel         services—all of this is changing the face of  edly, an estimated twenty-six thousand children
                              education in America and the cost is enormous,”  and young people with autism in the UK were
                              says Dachel.                             unlawfully excluded last year and as a result
                                 Today, the U.S. national average of special  denied a basic right to education.
                              education students (SPED) is 13 percent and yet
                              there are plenty of cities reporting much higher  THE BIG LIE
                              numbers. For example, in Woodland Hills,     Years ago, when I first started sharing
                              PA, 25 percent of children are SPED; in Staten  information with Dachel, I remember her re-
                              Island, NY, 24 percent; in Fitchburg, MA, 23.5  peatedly saying the really Big Lie we are being
                              percent; and in Waterville, ME, 23 percent. And  spoon-fed is the one about autism—which she
                              when we look at other developed countries, we  has written a book about called The Big Autism
                              learn that they, too, have exceptionally high  Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying
                              numbers. In Ireland, 25 percent have a learning  to the American Public. Those in power began
                              disability, and in the U.K. and the Netherlands  this lie by saying that autism was “genetic,” but
                              that number is an alarming 26 percent. A school  as the number of children with autism skyrock-
                              district where 13-26 percent of the students have  eted from one in ten thousand in the 1970s to
                              special education needs in the developed world  one in forty-five in 2015, that lie morphed into
                              is no longer a rare phenomenon.          an even bigger one of “better diagnosis.” Then
                                                                       we had the neurodiversity movement, which
                              WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CHILDREN?            worked furiously to convince the public that
                                 So what happens to these children in  brain inflammation and immune dysfunction
                              school? Many of them are being medicated: May  are normal and acceptable parts of childhood
                              3, 2016, The Washington Post: “CDC Warns that  that should be embraced and celebrated.
                              Americans may be Overmedicating Youngest     Now Dachel is screaming from the rooftop
                              Children with ADHD,”                     about the latest really Big Lie regarding the mas-
                                 Some are being locked in closets: Sept. 5,  sive physical and mental health deterioration of
                              2017: Huffington Post: “Schools, Please Stop  our children. No longer able to deny the fact that
                              Locking Kids in Closets.”                our schools have become war zones, the media
                                 And some are being sent home—when  are once again in cahoots with its pharmaceuti-
                              teachers are not able to deal with serious be-  cal advertisers, pushing endless stories blaming
                              havioral problems including attacks on other  the poor behavior, health and learning of our
                              students: July 31, 2017, “Surge in  children on “trauma” in the home. Newsweek
                              Number of Primary School Children Expelled  recently criticized parents for “Adverse Child-

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