Page 81 - Winter2017
P. 81

Food Feature

                                                    By Megan Stevens

                Cassava is a root vegetable native to the Americas. Cassava (scien-  vertigo, vomiting and collapse within four to five
            tific name Manihot esculenta, Crantz) goes by many common names,  hours. The customary treatment is an injection
            including yuca or yucca, manioc and Brazilian arrowroot. (Additional  of thiosulfate, which allows the patient’s body
            Brazilian names include mandioca, aipim or macaxeira).  Tapioca (in  to detoxify by converting the poisonous cyanide
            North America) refers to the starch extracted from the cassava root.   into thiocyanate.
                The earliest firm evidence for cassava cultivation comes from a Mayan
            site dating back fourteen hundred years. Brazilians in the Amazon region  TRADITIONAL CASSAVA PREPARATION
            may have domesticated cassava directly from a wild plant.  In the sixteenth   Fortunately, there are ways to neutralize the
            century, Portuguese traders from Brazil introduced cassava to Africa.   cyanide and also reduce cassava’s phytic acid
                In the present day, cassava is a staple food for over half a billion  content (see Phytic Acid Content of Cassava,
            people worldwide.  Over ninety countries cultivate cassava, which is  page 82). Notably, the enzyme linamarase is
            the third most common complex carbohydrate consumed (after rice and  naturally occurring within cassava and “acts on
            maize) in Asia, Africa and Central and South America. Nigeria is the  the [cyanide] glucosides when the cells are rup-
            world’s largest cassava producer.  As a crop, cassava is drought-tolerant  tured.”  Many cultures traditionally have soaked
            and can handle acidic soil and the removal of its leaves by pests.   their cassava roots in water, grinding them into
                                                                          a paste and spreading the paste out in the sun.
            CASSAVA’S PROPERTIES                                          Within five hours, the linamarase breaks down
                There are both sweet and bitter varieties of cassava, with the sweet  almost 85 percent of the cyanide, allowing the
            varieties more commonly grown for consumption. Both varieties contain  cyanogenic glucosides to convert to hydrogen
            antinutrients—the bitter varieties to a far greater extent.  In addition,  cyanide (HCN), which then evaporates.
            cassava contains natural-                                                            Other traditional
            ly occurring toxins called                                                       practices  include  peel-
            cyanides or “cyanogenic                                                          ing the root and soaking,
            glucosides” (the plant toxins                                                    boiling, dehydrating and/
            linamarin and lotaustralin),                                                     or fermenting the cassava.
            which concentrate heavily in                                                     Although peeling and
            the peel but also are present in                                                 thorough cooking gener-
            the flesh. Interestingly, cas-                                                   ally are sufficient to make
            sava grown during times of                                                       the sweet varieties safe for
            drought is much more toxic.                                                      consumption, the bitter
                A moderate intake of cas-                                                    varieties require more
            sava’s cyanide compounds                                                         steps to make them edible,
            (such as those also found in                                                     such as squeezing, press-
            apple cores and the pits of                                                      ing and fermenting.
            stone fruits) can produce a                                                          Fufu and  gari are
            headache followed by mild                                                        examples of traditional
            heart palpitations. In the absence of proper preparation techniques (dis-  foods that safely reduce cyanogenic compounds
            cussed in the next section), a number of more serious health conditions  using fermentation.  Both are important staples
            also can result from overconsumption of the cyanide found in cassava. 3,6,7,8   in Africa. Preparation of fufu involves mashing
            These conditions include goiter, pancreatitis and a neurological disorder  cassava root and allowing the cassava to fer-
            called ataxia or konzo, which affects the ability to walk. A person who  ment with Lactobacillus bacteria.  Gari calls
            experiences severe cyanide poisoning will exhibit symptoms such as  for peeling, grating, draining, pressing and

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