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hood Experiences” (ACEs) within the home,  critically and question who is benefiting from such a well-orchestrated
            saying one-half of America’s children have  media campaign. As Dachel says, “I’ve heard horrible stories about the
            experienced trauma: Oct. 20, 2017, Newsweek:  home lives of kids. I’ve worked with kids Ma Barker might have raised,
            “Children’s Mental Health: Nearly Half of U.S.  but they weren’t like so many kids we are seeing today. This bogus theory
            Kids Have Experienced Trauma.” The Washing-  was to be expected, and it’s a brilliant move on the part of doctors and
            ton Post wrote on Oct. 19, 2017: “Almost Half  health officials who want to shift the conversation away from the vaccine
            of D.C. Children Have Suffered a Traumatic  controversy.”
            Experience, According to Federal Survey.” And     Experts not only blame our children’s poor mental health on bad
            CNN called out parents for the “toxic stress”  parenting, but also a range of other health issues including heart, lung and
            they’re causing in children. Oct. 4, 2017, CNN:  liver disease, cancer, and obesity: Sept. 17, 2017, Worcester Telegraph:
            Little Kids and ‘Toxic Stress’: “We Can Solve  “Addressing Childhood Traumas and Their Lifelong Implications.” And
            This.” By conveniently placing the blame on  then there’s this from the Washington University School of Medicine/
            parents, officials can say they have the definitive  St. Louis, Oct. 30, 2017: “Early Childhood Adversities Linked to Health
            answer and ignore looking deeper into what is  Problems in Tweens, Teens.” These reports say “We’ve known toxins in
            really making our children so sick. This blame  the environment can contribute to disease, but this study suggests that
            game is reminiscent of the “refrigerator mom”  kids can experience physical and mental health problems from exposure
            theory health authorities wrongly touted as the  to psychosocial ‘toxins’ too.” So there you have it…now we will blame
            cause for the then-rare cases of autism in the  ACEs for both mental and physical health problems in kids today so we
            1950s.                                    no longer have to look at the environmental factors, specifically vaccines.
                Like Dachel, I’m not going to assert that
            every problem facing children today is the fault  WHO IS ASKING WHY?
            of an out-of-control, ever-increasing vaccine     Unbelievably, I have not read one mainstream news article about our
            schedule—currently seventy doses of sixteen  school crisis that objectively asks why our children are doing so poorly
            vaccines—but in my opinion, injecting poisons  psychologically, emotionally and behaviorally—not to mention physi-
            such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde,  cally. Why are more than one in two children in the U.S. chronically ill?
            Polysorbate 80, MSG, aborted fetal tissue, etc.  Seizures, asthma, allergies, diabetes and obesity are all prolific among
            into our children beginning at birth and in utero,  children in schools today. I included obesity in this list of ailments on
            is the number one culprit adversely affecting  purpose, because vaccines cause that too (
            our children’s health. That said, we must realize  pmc/articles/PMC4982359). One would think health professionals and
            that we are living in a virtual toxic soup. The  the media would want to know why there has been such an incredible
            food we feed our children is not food, the toxins  explosion of poor physical and mental health in children. In St. Louis
            we expose them to are known carcinogens and  up to four thousand students have asthma and six died last year. Sept. 9,
            they spend an unprecedented amount of time on  2017, KLPR-TV, St. Louis, MO: Pulse of St. Louis, “Combating Asthma
            screens and surrounded by Wi-Fi. The average  in St. Louis and Alzheimer’s Awareness.” Included in this story is the
            American child spends over seven hours a day  fact that the district is working with the American Lung Association to
            in front of a radiation-emitting screen. Do the  educate teachers, students and parents about the condition.
            math, that’s over one hundred days per year of     Will this solve the problem? I doubt it. Instead, it will probably just
            childhood lost to devices!                increase pharmaceutical products for affected students—the same way
                To be fair, there are of course instances  that adding new health clinics to schools will increase vaccination. Aug.
            where “trauma” or “toxic stress” can seriously  13, 2017, Chambersburg (PA) Public Opinion News: “CASHS Clinic Aims
            affect a child’s health and education, especially  to Offer Student Vaccinations.”
            when those “ACEs” include physical and emo-     And then there are the stories like this one, Sept. 6, 2017, New York
            tional abuse or neglect. However, when over-  Daily News: “Finally Getting Serious About Dyslexia.” Like autism, we
            night there are literally dozens of nearly identi-  are supposed to believe dyslexia has always been here and as a result of
            cal stories blaming bad parenting (parents who  better diagnosing, we’ve finally realized that one in five kids has it. But
            discourage open communication, parents who  according to this article, it’s not such a bad thing because lots of really cool
            let their children watch TV, parents who yell a  people like Bill Gates have it. Here, it’s worth mentioning that dysgraphia
            lot, parents who are emotionally distant, parents  (which affects writing ability) and dyscalculia (affecting mathematical
            who spank their kids, and helicopter parents)  processing) are also on the rise.
            for our children’s poor health, we need to think     We’d be remiss not to look at the soaring number of teen suicides

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