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children didn’t get cancer. Now I hear that can- published in 2017, compared vaccinated to unvaccinated children in
cer is the number-one cause of death in children. Guinea-Bissau and found that children vaccinated with diphtheria-teta-
Because vaccines use genetically mutated nus-pertussis (DTP) were dying about five times faster than unvaccinated
forms of diseases, new diseases are being cre- children. The Mawson study of six hundred and sixty-six homeschooled
ated that didn’t exist before. Vaccines containing children in four U.S. states found that the vaccinated had a fourfold
a manmade version of a bug may give you some greater odds of being diagnosed with otitis media and pneumonia than
temporary immunity to something, but not to the unvaccinated, and were thirty-fold more likely to be diagnosed with
the natural disease. When you get chickenpox, hay fever. The vaccinated children also had a fourfold greater odds of a
for example, you are immune to natural chick- neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosis.
enpox for life and pose no danger to anybody. Speaking of the DTP vaccine (retooled as DTaP for “acellular per-
Ironically, vaccinated people carrying the new tussis”), O’Shea reproduces a chart from the CDC website showing the
diseases are the danger. They have permanent number of pertussis cases in the U.S. from 1981 to 2012. In 1981, the
immunity to nothing and may infect people who number was 1,248. In 2012, it was 48,277. During that time, the mandated
are immune to the natural disease but not the pediatric vaccine schedule increased the number of DTaP shots from two
manmade version. The vaccines have created to six. The more shots, the more sickness.
new problems and solved nothing. People who have a vested interest in vaccines make some interesting
There are ongoing heated arguments about admissions. The original Salk polio vaccine created “one of the worst
whether vaccines work at all and whether they pharmaceutical disasters in U.S. history,” according to Paul Offit, one of
are really better than doing nothing. This debate the loudest proponents in favor of vaccines in general. Albert Sabin, MD,
cannot be solved without studies comparing the who invented the next polio vaccine, said thirty years later, “Official data
vaccinated to the unvaccinated. The vaccine has shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the U.S. have
industry has stubbornly refused to do that and failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases for which
justifies its refusal with spurious and irrational they are supposed to provide immunization. In essence, it was and is a
arguments about ethics. Unfortunately for failure.” Once again, not only is the vaccine program a failure, but it has
the industry, studies are starting to leak out. created more problems than it has solved. The only polio cases in the last
One thing to keep in mind when making the few decades were caused by the vaccine itself. Even the CDC admits that.
comparison is that you have to look at total The makers of Gardasil have done an impressive job of persuading
health, not just the disease associated with the many that twelve-year-old girls need that vaccine, even though they have
vaccine. If those who are vaccinated against little chance of getting cervical cancer until they are in their fifties. The
hangnails have fewer hangnails than the un- manufacturer admits the vaccine is effective only for a year or two. Side
vaccinated, that’s nice, but if the vaccinated effects include loss of vision, loss of consciousness, seizures, paralysis and
also are three times more likely to burst into death. They want to give it to boys, too. I really can’t make this stuff up.
flames, that’s not so nice. Somalis in Somalia Hugh Fudenberg, MD, a leading immunogeneticist, found that “If
have an autism rate of approximately zero. They an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980, the
also have a vaccination rate of approximately chances of Alzheimer’s Disease were ten times greater than for those
zero. Forty-three thousand Somalis have been getting…no shots.” The adult vaccine schedule now calls for yearly flu
relocated to the U.S. in the last decade, mostly shots until age sixty, by which time you should be safely dead.
to Minnesota. Those U.S.-based Somalis have Why do people get so upset at the mere suggestion that any vaccine
been vaccinated, and now one in forty-five has might be dangerous? Andrew Wakefield published a study in Lancet that
autism, according to the CDC. According to suggested a possible correlation between a vaccine and autism. He did
more reliable sources, the number is actually one not claim to prove anything. He just suggested more research would be
in thirty-two. Is that “genetic”? If you say yes, a good idea. The result was the assassination of his character and career.
please…please go back to SpongeBob. The U.K.’s General Medical Council brought a case against Wakefield and
A study by Mogensen, Aaby and others, John Walker-Smith, but an official legal ruling later stated that the case
74 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017