Page 70 - Winter2017
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

         for and conduct most clinical studies, and how the journals that publish  diets), and everything to do with helping in-
         the studies are rife with conflicts of interest and other ethical issues.  crease magnesium levels. In a world with a far
         After exploring a number of major statin studies, Chapter Four moves  too high calcium-to-magnesium ratio, nuts are
         on to statins’ so-called “mild” side effects. Needless to say, they are not  one of the few remaining foods that can bring
         as mild as the manufacturers want the masses to believe.      balance to this crucial mineral in our diets.
            In Chapter Five, Smith argues for an integrated theory of what causes   The book’s concise conclusion is a brisk
         heart disease, starting with the concept of stress and then reviewing  seven pages, with solid information on stress,
         immune, environmental and even electromagnetic factors. There is no  exercise, nutrition, supplementation and a few
         mention of diet in this section. Why he chose to leave this out would be  other topics. There won’t be anything here to
         a fascinating question to pose to Smith, but on page 123, he does give  surprise a WAPFer, but the information may
         nutritional advice that is absolutely solid, albeit, like the entire book,  help many people who are just starting out on
         short—meat, eggs and dairy from organic farms; fermented foods; high-  the journey to real health and nutrition.
         quality vegetables; and more. Perhaps Smith felt that others have dealt   Smith’s book is accessible and easy to read,
         with the dietary side of things so much at this point that including a great  making it a great gift for someone who wants a
         deal about it would be redundant. On the other hand, the book is prob-  general but non-technical and not too jargony
         ably one place where Wise Traditions readers will find new and rather  discussion of heart disease, diet and statin drugs.
         fascinating information about other factors related to heart disease, such  Because the book is short, coming in at just over
         as a long-known link between solar activity and heart attacks. Chapter  one hundred and twenty pages, it will strike an
         Six is all about CoQ10 and contains lots of great information, some of  average reader as unintimidating in terms of
         which I had not previously come across before.                commitment, while not skimping on quality. At
            Chapter Seven covers “nutrition for the heart,” including various  the same time, it includes thirty pages of meticu-
         vitamins and minerals. Again, the chapter contains a great deal of inter-  lous footnotes, with some chapters tallying up
         esting information and analysis of some topics that I had not previously  one hundred citations or more. Thus, the reader
         encountered or considered. Especially illuminating are Smith’s points  wanting to explore the book’s assertions will
         about the connection between vitamins, minerals and other important  not need to go far to find the primary and other
         chemicals or structural components of the body—B vitamins and ho-  resources that Smith relies on. Books like $tatin
         mocysteine levels, or vitamin C and collagen production. His look at  Nation will play an important part in continu-
         magnesium is also insightful. The chart showing that the foods highest  ing to turn the tide of public opinion, providing
         in magnesium tend to be nuts may point to the real reason that a hand-  accessible options for interested readers to at
         ful of nuts a day is protective against heart disease. In other words, it  least consider that much of modern nutrition and
         has little to do with nuts’ fat profile (nuts are high in polyunsaturated  medicine is built upon lies. Two thumbs UP.
         fatty acids or PUFAs, which already are overloaded in most Americans’               Review by John Moody

                                                UPDATE ON SAM GEROD
          As reported in these pages, Sam is an Amish grandfather serving a six-year prison sentence for “mislabeling” herbal salves
          that he has sold for years.

          If any WAPF members want to send Sam money, they must use the official channels outllined here:

          Sylvia Onusic reports that the inmates must buy everything through the commissary where the “food” items available are
          pitiful ( She will be visiting Sam soon and will
          report on the food situation. Inmates can’t receive packages without prior approval but inmates may receive magazines,
          hard and paperback books, directly from the publisher (For more information see: Policy on Incoming Publications.)

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