Page 67 - Winter2017
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start to take up that sugar in a way that is not  effects on how your body manages sugar in the blood.
            related to insulin. So we are bypassing the prob-
            lem that diabetics have with insulin by exercis-  HG: That is fascinating. So adding fat to our diet can help slow down our
            ing, and still getting the sugar out of the blood.  absorption of sugar and the shock to the body. And then movement can
                                                      help. Are there any other tips you can give us on how to address this issue?
            HG: Do conventional doctors give this advice?
            It sounds great that instead of injecting yourself  LW: Eat less sugar. No, really, the idea is basically helping your body
            with insulin you could move.              manage blood sugar in a way that it is used to. Our bodies have not evolved
                                                      to deal with the two-hundred-some-odd pounds of sugar per person, per
            LW: Yes it does and I wish more people did it.  year, that we are consuming. Our bodies are well adapted to go without
            I don’t think it is a conventional treatment plan.  sugar. Our bodies evolved to withstand starvation and to withstand the
            A lot of what we studied in kinesiology is how  lack of fruit in the diet. We have not evolved to deal with too much sugar
            we can use exercise prescription as a support  in the bloodstream. This is new to our body. Look around at the health
            for health and how important it is for doctors  statistics and you see that we are paying for it. When we start treating
            to talk about not only diet but also exercise as  our body like it should be treated, giving it the food it is used to, evolu-
            a prescription, as a recommendation to better  tionarily, then we are going to be a lot better off long-term.
            one’s overall health.
                                                      HG: But aren’t there people, even dietitians, who say, “Eat your fruits
            HG: I like “prescription” better than “recom-  and vegetables”? They are giving a different message than you are. What
            mendation” because I think doctors are already  do we do with these conflicting messages?
            recommending movement and many people say
            “not today.”                              LW: It is such a good question, and I think that most practitioners like
                                                      myself encounter this all the time. We spend so much time educating
            LW: Exercise prescription is definitely a big  our clients and then at the end of the talk, they ask, “Well, to whom do I
            thing in the kinesiology world. We are hoping  listen, whom do I trust?” We live in this information age where you can
            to make a change and improve the amount that  google topics and come up with fifteen different opinions on anything
            is recommended. I think people think that if  related to health. Usually, what I’ll say to those people is, “Don’t listen to
            you move a couple times a day for 20 minutes,  me, don’t listen to the science where we don’t even know who funded it.
            you’ll be great. If people understood not only  Listen to great grandma.” Listen to the cultures, to our ancestors and to
            the importance of aerobic exercise, but also how  traditions. They had wisdom for a reason. It was life or death for them.
            important resistance training can be for the body  If they were not eating properly, they were not growing up healthy, they
            long-term and for this insulin situation, more  weren’t finding mates and they were not growing up strong enough to
            people would be doing it.                 fend for themselves. They weren’t healthy enough to feed their families.
                                                      They weren’t living long enough to have babies. It was life or death for
            HG: So not just cardio, but some strengthening  them and when they found something that worked, they put it in their
            and toning with resistance weights.       songs, in their religious texts and in writing. They told it to everyone they
                                                      knew—and that is the type of wisdom that we’ve lost.
            LW: Absolutely. When most people talk about   Now, we say, “Oh, this has six grams of sugar, therefore my dietitian
            improving insulin immediately, we are looking  thinks that it is okay for me to eat.” We’ve come so far from listening
            at cardiovascular-type exercise—that is the type  to the wisdom about what is good food. We are misinformed and gull-
            of fuel that your body needs in those move-  ible walking down a grocery store aisle and thinking that all the things
            ments. But when we are looking at the effects  that say “natural” and “organic” are healthy. We fill our carts with total
            of training long-term, if you have worked out  disregard for what the items look like, where they came from or whether
            for twelve weeks, there are significant changes  they are even real food.
            at a cellular level that can improve the way your
            skeletal muscle cells listen to that car alarm.  HG: That is such a good point. I went to a foodie conference recently
            They start to listen to the car alarm again. Part  and every single meal was served in a plastic container. I expected to
            of my graduate student research was on how  get some pictures of good food and get some good food in my body. I
            squatting, resistance training and running or  was so disappointed. It wasn’t real food even though the conference was
            aerobic training can have long-term positive  supposedly focused on nourishing food.

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