Page 66 - Winter2017
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to your body having to overproduce insulin. LW: That is so true. The “hangry-ness” is just a symptom of blood sugar
This form of insulin resistance is subclinical. dysregulation. We need to get out of the habit of normalizing these health
Your doctor isn’t going to see this on labs. You symptoms—from headaches to PMS to being “hangry” to sleep problems.
are not diabetic or even prediabetic. You are These are things that no one should be experiencing.
just insulin-resistant on a sugar roller coaster
heading down the road of gaining weight, with HG: And from what you’ve studied, these things are all interrelated?
effects on your cortisol, your adrenals and all of
your hormones. Often insulin resistance results LW: Of course, absolutely. Our body is so much more advanced than we
in high blood pressure, high cholesterol and give it credit for. Everything is so interconnected, and sugar is our body’s
sometimes polycystic ovary syndrome. Obesity energy source. It is what feeds our heart, it is what feeds our brain. So
and diabetes are the end game, and this can of course, this is important to the body. Everything is tied back to sugar
happen in this resistant state long before you because it is a fuel source in the body. The sugar issue is going to affect
are ever diagnosed with anything. all systems in the body and all aspects of health.
HG: What we really want to do is wake up and HG: Let’s talk about some solutions now. Let’s talk about ways to attack
get off that roller coaster, but unless we have a and avoid this insulin resistance and blood sugar roller coaster.
physical condition or some crisis that the doctor
can measure, we often just ignore that car alarm. LW: The easiest one is to eat more fat. When we pair sugar with fat, we
slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, thus letting the body
LW: Absolutely. It happens with so many as- see the sugar in a more reasonable way so we don’t overproduce insulin.
pects of health. We think that the symptoms we Eat the banana with some soaked almonds. Now the sugar is basically
are experiencing are normal because “Everyone time-released into the bloodstream and the body does not need to produce
gets tired at 2:00 PM” “Everyone gets ‘hangry’ as much insulin. I think that most of your podcast listeners understand the
before they eat.” “Hangry” is a funny term now. dietary piece, but what a lot of people don’t understand is how important
It seems so normal because everyone deals with exercise is to the insulin and sugar discussion.
it, but this is a symptom of dysfunction. We need
to view these symptoms as a sign of dysfunction, HG: I’m glad you bring that up because with the Wise Traditions diet
and then we can start making a change. and the Weston Price principles, we are focused a lot on the food we eat.
But movement is critical, too.
HG: My podcast guests often say, “We think
what is common is normal, but there is a dif- LW: Absolutely. Most people don’t know that even if they are diabetic and
ference.” In other words, just because everyone are having blood sugar regulation issues, if they were to test themselves
is “hangry” doesn’t mean it is normal or how and find high blood sugar—higher than normal—instead of using insulin
things are supposed to be. they could exercise. What that does is tell the skeletal muscle cells that
they need food, and their food is the sugar in the blood. Those cells will
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tions make so much sense and have helped me switch my family to whole, unprocessed foods. Learn something new
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66 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017