Page 65 - Winter2017
P. 65

because at the bottom were all the starchy  to get the proper effect of lowering blood sugar. And then it decreases
            grains, breads and pasta. Higher up, they had  the sugar too much.
            fruits and vegetables in a separate category. That   Imagine you are in the desert in Arizona, and your air conditioner is
            might have added to our confusion.        super sensitive. Let’s say the air inside the house goes up to eighty degrees.
                                                      The air conditioner kicks on, but instead of bringing it to a nice seventy
            LW: Absolutely, they are completely separated  degrees, it takes it to fifty degrees. Suddenly you go from being slightly
            in everyone’s brain. They are and they should  uncomfortably hot to grabbing a blanket because the air conditioner is
            be considered separate food groups but, at the  too effective. Basically what is happening in the body is that an overly
            end of the day, our body does not see food in  reactive pancreas is overproducing insulin. We’ve got sugar coming in,
            nine different food groups. It sees it as “this is  and if it is coming in quickly, our body gets nervous: “Oh, there might
            fat,” “this is sugar” or “this is a protein” and that  be a lot more sugar behind it.” Even if it is just a banana, if it hits our
            is what it breaks down to. Of course, we want  blood sugar quickly, the body is going to overreact. You just went from
            to have a holistic view of food. I don’t want to  eighty degrees to fifty degrees too quickly; the air conditioner kicked
            look at my plate and see macronutrients. I want  on too strong. The insulin you produced was too much for what you ate,
            to see where the food came from and what ani-  and now you have low blood sugar.
            mal made it. For our bodies, though, we need
            to avoid overloading our plate with just sugar.  HG: I know people who are on this sugar roller coaster. They will grab a
                                                      banana for breakfast and then a couple hours later, they will be “hangry,”
            HG: Let’s say I start my day with some bananas  as they call it, meaning they are irritable because of hunger. I understand
            and berries. What is happening inside my body  that something else should be eaten with that banana, because the banana
            when all that sugar is coming down the pike?  alone is going to cause a problem. I don’t understand all the science behind
                                                      it as you do, but I can see what happens to them isn’t good.
            LW: When you start your day with fruit, you
            think you are doing the “right” thing, but at the  LW: Absolutely. It is so common, and it plays out in the entire day. You
            end of the day—or unfortunately, at the begin-  grab sugar for breakfast, no matter what it looks like, then you get some
            ning of your day—this is what begins the blood  kind of sugar mid-morning. By lunch, you are craving carbohydrates, so
            sugar roller coaster, particularly if you are eating  you have what turns into sugar for lunch. I don’t know how people stay
            all that sugar with very little fiber, protein or  awake from 2:00 to 4:00 PM if they are on this sugar roller coaster. That is
            especially fat with it. Think of fruit juices, even  when it hits the hardest. That is when you see everyone in line at a coffee
            fresh fruit juices. Juice is just the fruit sugar  shop trying to get themselves through the work day. Then they expect
            taken away from the fiber. If you want to enjoy  to sleep through the night and have energy. It is a terrible vicious cycle.
            fresh-pressed juice, make sure you’ve got some
            raw milk to add to it or a nice dab of raw cream,  HG: When I think of insulin, I think of diabetics. Can you help us get a
            because the fat will help slow the absorption of  better understanding on what it means to be insulin-resistant?
            that sugar into your bloodstream.
               The reason the rate at which sugar hits the  LW: My favorite way to think about insulin resistance is to compare it to
            bloodstream is so important is because that is  a car alarm. Hearing a car alarm is really annoying. Immediately, you get
            what determines how much insulin you produce,  up and shut your windows. You may try to figure out where the noise is
            or whether your body has to overproduce insu-  coming from and try to make it stop. In our body, insulin is a signal that
            lin in response to your sugar. If you start your  says, “Hey, there is too much sugar in the blood. Muscle cells, liver cells,
            day with fruit juice, your blood sugar is going  brain cells, whoever you are, take up this sugar and get it out of the blood
            to increase very quickly. Your body is going to  because there is too much there.” It is alarming, so all of our muscles, our
            produce insulin to compensate. Then comes the  cells, everyone listens. They get the blood sugar back to normal.
            sugar crash. It’s 10:00 AM and you are reaching   Now, imagine you are that person who is eating fruit for breakfast,
            for coffee, because you’re tired. Or you reach for  drinking a lot of coffee and eating a lot of carbs. You are on a blood sugar
            a muffin to get you back up, to keep you going  roller coaster, which means you are hearing that car alarm all day long.
            until lunch.                              You’ve become accustomed to it, so it is not alarming anymore. It is
               That is the sugar roller coaster. Your blood  slightly annoying, but it isn’t causing you to take action. When your body
            sugar increases. Most people are insulin-resis-  sees the insulin, it now thinks it doesn’t need to do anything. Your cells
            tant so they have to overproduce insulin in order  stop listening and that is what insulin resistance is, which usually leads

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