Page 60 - Winter2017
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This   just twenty years, chickens did best on vitamin-  test’s goal? The goal was to achieve “One bird,

              incredible     rich fish meal and other animal byproducts that  chunky enough for the whole family—a chicken
                             were too scarce and expensive for farmers to  with breast meat so thick you can carve it into
             increase in     offer to their ever larger flocks. Chickens did  steaks, with drumsticks that contain a minimum
                     yield   poorly on the cheaper soy-based substitutes,  of bone buried in layers of juicy dark meat, all
               created a     with poor weight gain for meat birds and poor  costing less instead of more.”
                             egg quality for layers.
                                                                           The contest winners duly delivered a
          large chicken          Jukes discovered that when he added anti-  chicken that was 40 percent heavier than the
          but also gave      biotics to the feed of the chickens in his experi-  standard chicken (reaching a total of three and
               rise to an    ments, they not only performed better than the  a half pounds, a full pound over the average at
                             other groups, but they specifically gained more  the time) in just eighty-six days from egg to
           equally large     weight. The birds given the greatest amount of  contest’s end. This was only the beginning of

               problem.      antibiotics gained the most weight. The best  the chicken’s unprecedented growth, however.
                 How to      part was that this strategy was cheap, adding  Today, chickens from those same blood lines
                             less than a penny per pound of animal feed  reach six pounds in under seven weeks and
               convince      yet producing 25 to 50 percent gains in animal  do so on half the amount of feed per pound of
          people to eat      weight.  In this way, antibiotics became the  flesh. Three times the amount of meat in half
         more chicken        backbone and constant companion of modern  the time for half the feed represents an almost
                                                                       unimaginable achievement. Through careful,
                             meat production.
           became the                                                  highly secretive breeding and cross-breeding,
                      new    THE CHICKEN OF TOMORROW                   the “chicken of tomorrow” had finally arrived.
                                                                           This incredible increase in yield created a
                                 All the pieces were now in place for chicken
              challenge.     to shake off its “Sunday dinner” image and  large chicken but also gave rise to an equally
                             become the meat of choice across the country.  large problem. The chicken market was glutted,
                             All, that is, except the chicken itself. The birds  eerily foreshadowing what industrial farming
                             had enjoyed a dramatic increase in weight, but  would do time and time again with supply out-
                             they were still mostly dark meat and continued  pacing demand. However, farmers responded by
                             to require a great deal of preparation. Despite its  raising more, not less, of the unneeded item. If
                             continuing plunge in price, chicken was still not  farmers were not going to raise fewer chickens,
                             the first choice of the average housewife and not  people were going to need to eat more. How to
                             quite what the American family was looking for.  convince people to eat more chicken became
                                 In the 1940s, the United States Department  the new challenge.
                             of Agriculture (USDA) organized a contest     As events unfolded, the chicken glut be-
                             entitled “The Chicken of Tomorrow.” It was  came an opportunity for modern marketing
                             perhaps the greatest effort ever put forth by the  and for food processing gold. The poverty and
                             meat industry, involving government agencies,  deprivation of the war years turned into the
                             scientists, colleges, researchers and volunteers  prosperity and indulgence of the fifties and
                             from across the country. What was the con-  sixties and transformed American eating and

                                                    INDUSTRIAL EGGS
              Many people once considered eggs a special treat. Historically, hens produced fewer eggs, and many of those were
          reserved for hatching to replenish the flock. Eggs also were generally only available seasonally. People were amazed
          when Laura Ingalls Wilder was able to get her chickens to lay during winter in the 1910s. This feat was so spectacular at
          the time that it played a crucial part in her writing career.  Wilder’s success came from basic science: she watched how
          what she fed her chickens influenced their condition, until she found a balanced diet that provided all the nourishment
          the birds needed without causing them to gain excess body weight and stop producing eggs.
              Like industrial chicken, mass-produced eggs have become a mainstay of the American diet.  By 1960, the average
          American was consuming around two hundred and sixty eggs a year or more, almost an egg a day. Laying hens have
          had to keep up, and they have, increasing production from less than one hundred eggs per bird per year to almost three
          hundred in the course of a half century.

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