Page 59 - Winter2017
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a tough life, especially in colder climates. One   The changes that Steele and others made   The birds
            of the main problems was nutritional. Chickens  to chickens’ housing conditions required sig-
            develop health and disease issues during dark,  nificant changes to almost everything about a   given the
            cold days with scarce food. Heated coops and  chicken's diet and life. No longer able to forage,   greatest
            mountains of nutritionally fortified purchased  chickens became dependent on artificial food.   amount of
            feed were not the norm.                   The timing was right because soy was beginning
                The 1920s ushered in a sea change for the  to provide a standardized, cheap, high-protein   antibiotics
            American chicken. Scientists who were just  feed perfect for confined chickens. Founded in   gained the
            beginning to unravel the world of nutrition  1919, the American Soybean Association was   most weight.
            discovered vitamins A and D. For a time, cod  very happy to have soy become, along with
            liver oil became a mainstay of the chicken’s  corn, the backbone of the burgeoning confined   In this way,
            supplemental diet, and mortality rates dropped.  poultry production model.         antibiotics
            The incubator, invented a few decades before,   Although the poultry production system   became the
            also began facilitating the creation of hatcher-  was starting to solidify, it would take two more
            ies across the country. Incubators could (and  decades for everything to come together and for   backbone
            did) supply larger and larger                           chicken to truly take off. What   and constant
            numbers of chicks, displacing                           was needed was the "Chicken   companion of
            the erratic and unpredictable                           of Tomorrow" and the tools to
            on-farm replacement flock ap-                           keep it alive. The meteoric rise   modern meat
            proach.  The stage was set to                           of the industry that followed is   production.
            transform chicken production                            rivaled only by the gargantuan
            from a small-scale side en-                             size, never before seen, of the
            terprise into something more                            chickens that would result.
            economically substantial, and
            that is just what Cecile Steele                         ANTIBIOTICS:
            of Delaware did.                                        BACKBONE OF BIG MEAT
                                                                       If vitamins, soy for animal
            STEELE CHICKENS                                         feed and similar advances set
                Cecile Steele holds a du-                           the stage for raising chickens in
            bious but important place in                            confinement, antibiotics stole
            poultry history for creating                            the show. Moving animals off
            commercial poultry produc-                              pasture and into densely popu-
            tion. In 1923, she ordered fifty                        lated barns created  disease
            chicks, but the company sent five hundred by  pressure. Artificial nutrition and supplementa-
            accident! She decided to keep them all, rais-  tion could offset only a portion of this extra
            ing them specifically as meat birds.  Things  stress. In addition, as production increased,
            went so well that year and in subsequent years  prices dropped, which put immense pressure
            that by 1926, Steele had built a barn to house  on farmers to raise more with less—less space,
            ten thousand birds. Two years later, she raised  fewer costs, less care. Questions arose about
            almost thirty thousand. Industrial chicken was  how far the industrial system could be pushed
            born, and it quickly boomed. A decade later,  and how much chicken it could produce.
            Delaware alone produced seven million broil-  A scientist named Thomas Jukes discov-
            ers per year.  Although Steele’s chickens were  ered the solution to these problems: antibiotics.
            tiny things, weighing only around two pounds,  Working at a research facility for Lederle in the
            people loved them, even with their relatively  1940s, Jukes was fixated on figuring out what
            high price tag. In today’s money, Steele fetched  would allow chickens to flourish in confine-
            a profitable five dollars per pound for that first  ment. It was a pressing question—two world
            batch of five hundred chickens. Such high profits  wars (with one still ongoing) had produced an
            and prices would not last long, however, and the  incredibly high demand for protein. Although
            steady decline in chicken prices soon began. 4  chicken production had increased immensely in

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