Page 56 - Winter2017
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have told her to stop using the remedies after taking a few doses. Over look: the therapeutic diets he prescribed for his
the ensuing decades, however, as I have used established homeopathic patients were balanced and varied. Not straying
protocols and also learned from my own experience, I now recognize too far from healthy fats or carbohydrates can
that “No, we were not done yet.” Just because her fatigue had improved be especially important for those with thyroid
did not mean that we couldn’t get more out of this homeopathic remedy problems. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense
combination. Hence, my client was wise to continue taking the Bromium foods helps ensure that our bodies receive the
and Natrum muriaticum for a year (at least in the case of treating her assorted minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other
thyroid nodules). essentials needed to support good thyroid health.
In retrospect, after a year I might have considered stopping the Dr. Price wrote in Nutrition and Physical De-
remedies for a while to observe generation (p. 419):
the client’s condition. If we wit-
nessed signs of regression—such One of our modern tenden-
as hypothyroidism creeping back, cies is to select the foods we
a recurrence of fatigue, resumed like, particularly those that
thinning of the hair, the skin satisfy our hunger without our
on the shins becoming dry or having to eat much, and, an-
the disappearance of the lateral other is to think in terms of the
third of the eyebrow—I would few known vitamins and their
then surmise that it was time to effects. The primitive tendency
resume the medicines. seems to have been to provide
Today, after my many years an adequate factor of safety for
of experience, I generally find all emergencies by the selection
it wiser for someone to stay on of a sufficient variety and quan-
their remedy until the condition tity of the various natural foods
completely clears. It’s certainly to prevent entirely most of our
not a bad practice to stop and modern affections [emphasis
assess the situation, but with a added]. 3
condition like thyroid nodules,
conventional and routine tests Sometimes a collision of ideas can be fruitful. In terms of consumable fats,
are not always possible. As long Together, Drs. Price and Hahnemann create we know that Price discovered
as the remedy is acting (even if a perfect recipe for a healthy lifestyle. that traditionally defined health-
in just a small way) and we are ful diets were relatively high
seeing progress, why not carry in saturated fats and very low
through to the end? My attitude is, “Let’s get as much out of this as we in polyunsaturated oils. This, in particular, is
can.” Sometimes it’s okay to be greedy, particularly when it comes to important for those suffering from thyroid dis-
our personal health and well-being. orders, because numerous studies have shown
that polyunsaturated oils actually suppress
Hypothyroidism is, by definition, the slowing of the metabolism. This People who are eating traditional foods and
can be a protective function of the body in response to nutrient deficien- dealing with thyroid issues have found it helpful
cies—the body’s attempt to conserve resources, if you will. If the body to support their thyroid health by including fish
is not getting enough food in general or, more particularly, enough of a heads (which contain iodine and vitamin A) in
certain nutrient, the body will slow down to ensure that energy demands their diet in the form of fish broth and mak-
are not surpassing energy supplies. ing chicken neck soup (which contains thyroid
One of the things I love about the Weston Price approach to diet is glands). However, a precaution is in order
that it provides all the dietary advice one needs to support healthy thyroid concerning iodine, which seems to alleviate
function. For example, Dr. Price emphasized the importance of nutrient- hypothyroidism in some cases yet aggravate it
dense foods, organ meats and traditional “sacred” hormone-supporting in others. 7
fertility foods, all of which are very important to the thyroid.
There is one aspect of Price’s wisdom that people frequently over-
56 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017